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Questions related to Algorithms
I have a problem on clustering the XX companies based on the wastes that produced by each companies. Assuming one cluster can process tonnes of waste, how can companies be clustered, and how to...
10 October 2017 5,218 12 View
Hi Everyone, Can someone suggest me any summer school (2018), which focus on algorithms. More specifically, distributed algorithms, experimental algorithms and relevant topics. Your suggestions...
10 October 2017 4,920 5 View
I have two solution in CVRP IN homogenous fleet and I want to compare which is the best solution that have minimum distance and maximum total demand. So what method is used for to decide the best...
09 September 2017 7,901 0 View
I am looking for an algorithm that constructs Cech Complex for point clouds. I am specifically looking for some thing in Mathematica but any resource would be very helpful. I am looking for...
09 September 2017 9,435 2 View
in the following code in euclidean hash some of the result of the rand.nextGaussian() implementation is negative when set dimension 100 and w is 2. which affect in the hash method. public...
13 July 2017 1,033 4 View
I claim that for measuring performance of these algorithms in most cases quantiles are much better than arithmetic mean because with quantiles/percentiles: 1) interpretation: you know what...
07 July 2017 9,511 28 View
07 July 2017 6,854 3 View
I have implemented 3 bootstrapping models for learning product details, then I did the comparison with more different performance measure and found out which model learned good, but I want to do...
07 July 2017 2,626 4 View
07 July 2017 2,713 5 View
Hi, I have to implement ABC algorithm in cloudsim for load balancing. I have initialized the population with no. of tasks and have considered half as employed bees and half as onlooker bees. By...
07 July 2017 8,080 9 View
I am looking for Matlab code for Ant colony optmization or Simulated annealing which can handle mixed integer variables. Thanks.
07 July 2017 2,496 4 View
I am planning to use mutual information for feature selection. Before using a standard tool to calculated mutual information between two attributes , i need a solved example where i can see how it...
07 July 2017 7,056 3 View
Assuming A is a NxN non-singular symmetric matrix, what is the time complexity of getting k number of largest (or smallest) eigenvalues and vectors? Simply, what is time complexity of eigs(A,k)...
07 July 2017 999 7 View
How to select an Evolutionary algorithm (like GA, PSO, ACo etc.) among the lot of existing ones for feature optimization? I mean what are the parameters which we need to see when we select any...
07 July 2017 8,803 5 View
I am currently testing removal of false matches using RANSAC. But I am unsure how to set the number of iterations of the RANSAC algorithm properly. Can anyone give a convincing explanation on...
06 June 2017 2,051 2 View
Where can I find a simple and stable algorithm for determine the intersection of two n-dimensional simplices? An example in 3D case would be benefit.
06 June 2017 8,441 2 View
Hi, For some modeling problem, I need to sample as uniformly as possible the surface of an ellipsoid Obviously, sampling uniformly the parametric...
06 June 2017 3,095 4 View
In evaluating a system using Genetic Fuzzy Evolutionary Computation (using MATLAB), how are data captured - from Fuzzy or from Genetic Algo? May be to make it clearly - importing data from excel...
06 June 2017 7,512 2 View
Can you suggest references about colour image segmentation using metaheuristic algorithms?
06 June 2017 6,311 8 View
In a distribution center, a conveyor is moving shipping boxes where workers should pick up the box depending on the final destination of each box. There are 156000 boxes to be sorted.Each box...
06 June 2017 672 2 View
I need The Goldstein 2D branch cut algorithm in MATLAB. Does any one have a working version ? I need to compare it with another algorithm.
06 June 2017 912 3 View
How to get seperate contact details (bonded & friction with values) in Ansys APDL the output will be in text file We can get it from CNCHECK But i need it in tabular fromat like ...
06 June 2017 3,167 0 View
Apart from Ant Colony Optimization, Can anyone suggest any other Swarm based method for Edge Detection of Imagery?
06 June 2017 2,580 5 View
Suppose I am optimizing ZDT-1 2 objective test function. I want to stop the algorithm when there is no significant improvement in Pareto front. how can I achieve this?
06 June 2017 6,701 8 View