11 Questions 15 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Yong Guk Kang
I want to estimate Young's modulus of PAA gel by measuring the stress and strain by the uniaxial compression test of a cylinder-shaped material. But I don't know anything about material science,...
31 May 2022 3,534 0 View
Dear Colleagues. I am trying to do fluorescence imaging of DAPI/Phalloidin double-stained cells. However, DAPI/Phalloidin Images look almost identical. Channel for DAPI :495 Dic +448/20...
31 May 2021 1,024 3 View
I want to make a spectral correction curve of my light source to resemble the Gaussian spectrum. This literature said, ".. The dashed curve is a Gaussian fit with a center wavelength of 833 nm...
21 January 2020 9,135 2 View
Dear optics experts, Recently, my colleague says that the colored band around the objective lens can regard as the location of the back focal plane. Do you think it is reasonable? Or, is there...
08 February 2017 6,202 10 View
Dear all, Recently I almost decide to buy some GaAsP PMT for Photon counting purpose, H7422pa-40 + cooler, and controller with power supply unit I knew that the Hamamatsu's PMT are quite good,...
03 August 2016 8,826 3 View
Hi. I am currently collecting some dataset of time-lapse, z stacked image set of some samples. (as *.tif format) And I want to find a tool that can make the time-lapse 3D movie like below. (I once...
08 May 2016 4,992 3 View
Hi. I am dealing with stacked tiff data for optical mapping of heart. to make sure good ratiometric calculation, I think I need reliable background subtraction onto each images. At first, I...
04 September 2015 1,398 2 View
Hello, I want to estimate the SHG occurence from specific patterned tissues or something. (e.g. striated pattern or crystals) Is there any practical ways to done these jobs with computer? Thanks,
04 July 2015 5,269 3 View
Hi. I am using 3.3mm WD Object lens for Laser Scan Microscopy imaging. (upright) Recently, I tried to setup the environments for live cell imaging system in 35mm dish (based on Warner Instruments...
27 March 2015 5,921 2 View
Hi, I'm using Di-4-ANEPPS for voltage sensitive fluorescence imaging. and based on my study, I began to doubt that some spectral shifts were occur by change of solvents. But I cannot find any...
29 January 2015 9,540 1 View
I'm trying to load some Red Dyes onto Rat brain after craniotomy. Dyes were spread over dried dura mater or sub-dura mater. But I cannot get any meaningful images from those trials. Because I...
11 December 2014 199 4 View