16 Questions 25 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Wai Kit Cheng
I use cytoplasmatic and nuclear extraction protocol for my cell. Normally the cell pellet (for example, Hela, 2FTGH, U3A, U6A) will dissolve in both extraction buffer. However,Jurkat and Romos...
25 May 2016 8,084 2 View
05 May 2016 5,300 3 View
Do anyone knows how much water do we need to dissolve Poly (deoxyionsinic-deoxycytidylic) acid sodium salt (dIdC)? From the bottle, it just mentioned there is 11.5units/vial; 10 A260 units/mg solid
17 March 2016 3,527 3 View
We usually prepare concentrated (10X, 6X, or 4X) solution. How to determine the X of a solution? For example, how do we prepare 2X, 4X, and 6X SDS sample buffer?
03 March 2016 2,564 2 View
Why don't we pre-run (or equilibrate) the SDS-PAGE like how we do for EMSA gel?
02 February 2016 9,524 4 View
After I pouring resolving gel, I put a layer of isopropanol. Resolving gel looked polymerised well. However, after I pouring stacking gel on top of it and letting it to be polymerised, I found...
04 January 2016 3,437 7 View
01 January 2016 7,378 7 View
When I read through the method of some journals, they will mention the number of cells they used, for example 1x10^6 cells for immunoblotting. My question is how do we ensure that there is 1x10^6...
17 December 2015 2,674 4 View
Refer to the picture attached, it shows some of the lanes doesnt show a nice band. May I know any possible reasons or causes that make this happen?
12 December 2015 3,090 6 View
12 December 2015 6,491 5 View
An old and stupid questions for all the newer of cell culture.. I found that there are two definitions of split ratio on the web: 1. 1:7 = 1ml of cell resuspended + 9ml of medium 2. 1:7 = 1ml from...
12 December 2015 8,393 5 View
I did not less than 10 times of Bradford assay, but unfortunately I still be having bubbles in my samples or some BSA standards (although I'm getting lesser bubbles compared to previous). I found...
12 December 2015 5,456 7 View
02 December 2015 1,427 7 View
Currently Im dealing with IFN and some cell lines.. I want to keep my cells in -80C and run my experiment tomorrow. However, I put my cells into the fridge without stimulating my cell with IFN and...
11 November 2015 2,410 2 View
I tried to freeze my cells without any treatment of IFN (interferon) at -80C, and I was told that my cells were dead. However, I was told that I can freeze them after the treatment of IFN. Do the...
11 November 2015 5,138 0 View
The body part (or bottom part) of stacking gel was polymerized very well. However, when I took out the comb gently, some of the wells were not forming well, causing the volume that I load the...
03 November 2015 1,570 7 View