17 Questions 77 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vipin Nair
Lately, several incidents related to blast/explosions in refrigeration systems such as Air conditioners and refrigerators have emerged in India. I would like to know more details about similar...
07 July 2019 812 3 View
How to measure the viscosity of liquids having viscosity less than 1cP. Is glass capillary viscometer sufficient to measure viscosity of such fluids?.
01 January 2017 1,627 5 View
Is there any handbook or any other data available regarding the thermal conductivity values of metal oxides? Thank you
10 October 2016 1,038 11 View
In a domestic refrigerator, we generally use a hermetic compressor. The pressure lift or pressure ratio of the compressor is always maintained at a constant level or is it varying with the ambient...
09 September 2016 7,157 14 View
Bulk mean temperature of the fluid is generally calculated by taking the average of inlet and exit temperatures of the fluid for constant wall temperature boundary condition.but in case of...
07 July 2016 7,541 7 View
In any heat exchanger, for example; in a double pipe heat exchanger,how do we decide whether the hot fluid should flow through inner tube or outer tube?. Or is it completely irrelevant whether the...
02 February 2016 3,948 19 View
Is there anyone here who is using KD2 pro in his/her lab for measuring the thermal conductivity of fluids?If not,then what are other methods which can be used for these measurements?
12 December 2015 4,345 9 View
Is the thermal conductivity of copper and copper nanoparticle same? Thermal conductivity of copper is around 390 W/m.K so does it mean that Copper nanoparticles also will have a thermal...
11 November 2015 374 10 View
I would like to know about the experiences and views about different ultrasonic processors used by various researchers for nanofluid sonication. There are many ultrasonic processors available in...
09 September 2015 1,661 18 View
Various methods such as transient hot wire method and microscale beam deflection method are available but i want to know the theory behind these methods especially transient hot wire method. Thank...
09 September 2015 5,927 26 View
There are three modes of heat transfer mainly conduction heat transfer,convection heat transfer and radiation heat transfer.But some authors and professors believe that there are only 2 modes of...
08 August 2015 4,738 4 View
i would like to read more about thermal conductivity of liquids.And also on thermal conductivity measurement of liquids.
08 August 2015 2,601 22 View
We know that vapour pressure difference causes water to evaporate into the surrounding air stream.But there is something called molar concentration (kmol/m3).This molar concentration difference...
08 August 2015 7,782 3 View
Is there any correlation by which we can analyse the viscosity of nanorefrigerants for various particle concentrations?
08 August 2015 1,684 21 View
there is a general perception that if the base fluid is newtonian then the nanofluid is also newtonian but if the base fluid is non-newtonian then the nanofluid will be non-newtonian as well. Is...
06 June 2015 8,385 6 View
Recently,i came to know that it is possible to have turbulent flow for Re less than 2300 in a circular pipe..but the flow will become laminar again as the disturbances vanish!!. Same way is it...
06 June 2015 3,352 6 View
Aluminium has high thermal diffusivity ;therefore heat will diffuse swiftly through the foil.What is the logic behind wrapping our food items in aluminium foil ?? A sheet of paper has much lower...
05 May 2015 7,464 7 View