15 Questions 49 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vikram Kumar
Dear Expert I have tried to simulate the hourly rainfall runoff events, peaks are matching but after peak the discharge at which it has to recede is not as expected as seen in the attached file....
11 November 2017 9,048 4 View
Dear Experts, As we know that construction of unit hydrograph for a guged locations helps in discharge estimation, especially peak discharge. I am interested to construct the unit hydrograph of...
10 October 2017 6,152 16 View
Dear Professors and Experts I often came to know the very common question in Interview i.e: (i) Describe your teaching style and (ii) Describe your teaching philosophy" In what respect these two...
08 August 2017 5,377 8 View
What inference can we draw from the autocorrelation of continuous daily stream flow data? Is there any way to link with hydrological parameters?
08 August 2017 4,274 3 View
Dear Expert I would like to know, is it feasible to find out the trend in daily stream flow of very short duration (2 years) to understand the hydrological process? What are its applicability? Any...
07 July 2017 4,100 16 View
Dear Expert I have to perform the sensitivity analysis in optimal crop planning. So in what best way we can do it and how to do that. Is there any open software that is best suited to achieve the...
02 February 2017 2,397 2 View
We have generated the map from time domain reflectometer (TDR) of hilly area and don't have much knowledge in analyzing the images. What inference that can we expect from the three different...
01 January 2017 8,742 3 View
Dear Expert After a break from writing textbook (Civil Engineering), I have started writing scientific papers so can you advice me how to write good scientific paper for reputed journal? What the...
12 December 2016 8,247 6 View
Dear Experts In the absence of geological survey, how do we calculate aquifer transmissivity from the continuous discharge series.
12 December 2016 8,986 2 View
Dear Experts I am continuously monitoring water level from 8 different check dams and 3 well in near periphery. I wanted to address any hydrology and water resources research problem, so can you...
12 December 2016 3,419 2 View
Dear Experts I have to use "GPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation" called (GAGAN) for DEM generation in mountainous region, so how it can be done and How the results obtained from it can be...
08 August 2016 5,094 2 View
I am looking for ISO 7066-1-1989, Its basically for Assessment of uncertainty in calibration and use of flow measurement devices -Linear calibration relationships. Please share it if some one...
08 August 2016 2,739 4 View
I have calculated the uncertainty in the developed rating curve (stage discharge relationship). Now the different catchment have different uncertainty level, do we correlate it with any...
07 July 2016 3,965 13 View
Can any one suggest way to study impact of LULC on runoff what is the way to do? Presently i am monitoring discharge of stream but i don't have any past data and even quite not possible to have...
06 June 2015 573 22 View
Dear Could anyone please let me know the procedure of making fine resolution DEM from CARTOSAT image. I would be happy even if you can help me to send relevant literature to prepare DEM. My...
04 April 2015 7,856 2 View