9 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Vamsi Kaushik Jois
Is it true that the Isolated Push Pull Buck/Boost Converter cannot be capacitively coupled for preventing Transformer saturation by Volt-Sec Imbalance? c If yes, please explain me why it cannot be...
28 August 2014 8,965 1 View
In an Isolated SEPIC Converter, the Transformer will have current path both during Switch ON (magnetizing current falling ) and OFF (Magnetizing current rising) Times. Why is it still that the...
28 August 2014 1,769 3 View
I would like to know why the PCB Trace has a very high current density when compared with similar Cu Foil or Cu Wire.
24 April 2014 2,930 10 View
Is it a protection to the oscilloscope or for the end human user ? Will humans get a shock if IT is not used ? Will the human get a shock in the cases of Oscilloscope plug having an earth pin and...
03 December 2013 8,595 8 View
Can anyone tell me how to evaluate the effective mean magnetic length of toroidal core as per the IEC 60205 standard?
12 September 2013 3,837 3 View
I have been trying to derive the State Space Model for Interleaved Converters. In the equation xdot=Ax+Bu , I have been getting the A matrix to be Singular. Because of this, the inverse of A...
25 July 2013 2,490 1 View
What is the best method of Control Strategy for PFC? Is it average current control or predictive control? Cany anyone give the predictive control methods for Digital Implementation of a PFC?
01 July 2013 6,973 2 View
While calculating the reverse recovery loss due to a diode in a CCM converter, how is the di/dt through the diode calculated after the turn off of the diode or after the turn on of MOSFET? What...
29 May 2013 8,466 0 View
I have read in many design documents that Peak Current Mode Control eliminates the pole due to the filter inductor of the DC-DC converter. I would like to know how it eliminates it. I would like...
27 January 2013 4,090 2 View