7 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Tousif Ahmed
Contemporary literature considers both strain energy density (SED), (area under the stress-strain curve), and critical energy release (ERR, Gc) rate as a measure of fracture toughness. However,...
27 November 2020 9,916 4 View
Hi, My studies mainly involve quasi-static fracture under uniaxial loading. I was wondering if any analysis of the crack velocity would impart any meaningful insight in my study? I am mainly...
08 August 2020 1,209 5 View
I would like to deform the blue material along xx direction in LAMMPS. Due to the vacuum I cannot use fix deform command with periodic boundary conditions. Is there any alternative to do that? Thanks.
18 October 2017 2,498 10 View
I'm trying to generate the phononic band structure of graphene using GULP. The unit cell has two atoms. Is there anyone who can help me to select the correct k-path co-ordinates (gamma -> M...
24 June 2017 2,363 2 View
I am trying to dump 2Body and 3Body potential energy from a LAMMPS simulation. Is there any way to do it? I'm using Stillinger-Weber potential for the simulation. PS. ebond and eangle are not...
10 January 2017 7,495 2 View
I'm trying to run a LAMMPS script on my PC which gives the following error: ERROR: Expected integer parameter in input script or data file (../dump_custom.cpp:1556) But, I tried to run the same...
03 December 2016 434 8 View
Trying to mimic heat generation from tablet computers.
26 May 2015 895 4 View