34 Questions 122 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Tony Salvatore
There have been several suicides in the US in late 2023 and in the first several weeks of 2024 involving deputy sheriffs and, in one case, a county sheriff. There is a large a growing literature...
18 February 2024 7,136 1 View
There is a great deal of information available about the peer review process but little (that I could find) about exactly what the qualifications are to be a peer reviewer, other than that...
21 June 2023 2,677 5 View
Access to firearms is a well documented risk factor for suicide. Regardless of why someone might have one or more of AR-15 or similar weapon, there's no disputing their inherent lethality....
09 June 2022 7,105 7 View
Earlier this year in southeastern Pennsylvania (USA), a male in his 60s took his life by blowing up his home (and three others nearby) after assaulting a code enforcement officer with a handgun...
22 October 2021 5,582 3 View
In suicide prevention there are many high-risk populations hiding in plain sight that are overlooked. One such group is police chiefs. There are at least 3-5 media reports of suicides of chiefs,...
05 January 2021 8,311 3 View
Gun violence against one's self or others may be a planned behavior. However, current theoretical models of suicide, specifically the "ideation to action" theories of Joiner, O'Connor, and Klonsky...
02 January 2020 6,831 3 View
It appears that considerably more research has been devoted to risk factors for elder suicide than to identifying protective factors. In fact, there are very few research reports or even...
13 April 2019 9,274 25 View
At our small psychiatric hospital I'm often tasked to talk to med students about suicide prevention. Few, if any, like a recent third year student, have had any exposure to suicide in class. There...
26 October 2017 191 6 View
It has been argued that murder-suicide is best understood from the perspective of suicide. This suggests that the comparatively (vs. white males) low rate of suicide among Afro-American men may...
15 September 2017 7,066 2 View
Systematic research reviews and their subset, meta-analyses, seem to be accounting for a growing share of the suicide research literature. While I find them very useful I wonder if they are being...
27 February 2017 8,907 1 View
I recently looked at the literature on suicidality in preadolescence and early childhood. There is ample evidence that suicides and suicidal behavior occur in these populations though the suicide...
02 January 2017 8,391 8 View
There is a good base of literature demonstrating association between suicide ideation and attempts in individuals with serious gambling problems. Estimates of the incidence of attempts in this...
01 April 2016 8,485 14 View
I read a statement by a police officer last night requesting an involuntary psychiatric evaluation on a young man who the officer stated was armed and telling the officer and others to "F***ing...
06 February 2016 4,953 3 View
A suicide threat has been defined as "a verbal statement or behavioral act that may indicate serious intent to kill oneself" (see link to Wedig et al., 2013). In the case of borderline personality...
15 January 2016 5,603 30 View
A very informative research article concludes with this phrase: "Support groups help survivors advance with their healing after a suicide loss" (See link). However, what is described as "healing"...
23 November 2015 5,420 6 View
Instruments such as the Beck Hopelessness Scale or the Coping Response Inventory were not designed to be administered to a suicide decedent's collateral contacts. However, in some psychological...
08 August 2015 8,789 6 View
Edwin S. Shneidman (On the Nature of Suicide, 1969) proposed that 6-8 people are significantly affected by every suicide. This has generally become accepted as a benchmark in suicide...
08 June 2015 7,219 4 View
Suicidology is a comparatively new field of inquiry but it appears to have acquired, as Kuhn (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1962) would say, a paradigm. This concept proposes that in...
03 April 2015 304 14 View
There is a growing literature and much research underway on suicide among members of the military and veterans. There are also (in US at least) some grief support resources (e.g., VA, TAPS)...
24 November 2014 3,100 9 View
There is a sizable literature on the incidence of suicide and suicide risk in those with bipolar disorder. However, the nature of the disorder, particularly the manic phase, there would seem to be...
26 October 2014 3,403 7 View
It has been proposed that there are two distinct approaches to grieving (as well as a third “blended” option) which are not gender-based, but which do tend to align with gender (e.g., see Doka...
12 October 2014 1,981 2 View
A recent Rand Corporation report for the US DoD considers the "research-practice gap" in terms of how, as "innovations," suicide prevention-related research results are diffused to the field (see...
09 October 2014 8,183 3 View
Just sat in on a presentation arguing that neurofeedback could affect positive clinical responses in patients who made little progress with other short-term therapies. Even suggesting that these...
09 September 2014 8,954 4 View
Considerable research finds that those with serious mental illness are more often victims of violence than general population. History of violence is theorized as common means of acquiring...
04 July 2014 6,676 4 View
At-risk subjects in research studies are often asked to rate their suicidality in interviews or questionnaires. However, there seems to be little literature on using a self-administered screening...
20 May 2014 4,270 13 View
This statement appears in a 2009 article: "It is estimated that 4%-7% of the 32000 suicides in the US each year occur in inpatient psychiatric settings." That works out to be an estimated...
14 March 2014 856 3 View
Physical, psychological and sexual abuse have been found to be risk factors for suicide in adolescents and adults (
28 December 2013 9,849 4 View
Anosognosia has long been associated with neurological disorders, e.g., dementia, but in recent years some mental health advocates have seized on it as a justiification for expanding involuntary...
26 November 2013 4,812 2 View
Looked at through Joiner's IPPT (2005) both suicide completions and attempts involve a belief of being a burden or feeling worthless, a belief of non-belonging or disconnected from those one cares...
30 September 2013 4,230 8 View
In "Public Health Action for the Prevention of Suicide: A Framework," (WHO, 2012) it is stated that : "...a major shift has been observed in suicide-related research, from being basically oriented...
24 August 2013 6,558 4 View
In "A Theory of Suicide Addiction" (Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity, 5, 311-324, 1998) Ken Tullis, MD, argued that some individuals appear to become "hooked" on suicidal fantasies and behaviors....
18 July 2013 3,228 9 View
The DSM-IV cited suicide as a symptom of some psychiatric disorders. Until now suicidality has not been characterized as a disorder itself (though it could loosely "fit" the disease model, i.e.,...
03 July 2013 1,659 69 View
There are indications that a not insignificant segment of the US population favors or actively supports a government that centralizes political power in one official or small group and which only...
01 January 1970 9,144 4 View
For several years, I have been looking into the connection between elder abuse and suicide and suicidal behavior in the aged. Along the way I have made two very minor contributions to the limited...
01 January 1970 1,760 4 View