12 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Taissir Nouri
Finding the ratio of the elementary partical wave length from wave-particle duality to the wave length of the vacuum, could give us sense of how large the elementary partical to vacuum, e.g. a...
23 February 2020 9,871 0 View
With regard to the wave part of the wave- particle duality, has anyone, communicated, detected, controlled, interacted, read, recorded only the wave part of the duality?
30 January 2020 2,026 3 View
To my knowledge, most if not all the pain pathways are well mapped out and we have an array of biochemical, and other physical scientific methods which we can employee to actually quantify,...
30 January 2020 9,085 7 View
Density = d = volume unit - volume of mass? To study the vacuum status with different heavy densities reactions? Before the vacuum becomes overused? Specially in dense reactions types i.g....
29 January 2020 5,533 2 View
26 January 2020 9,558 1 View
The Pangaea Broke up billions of years ago but the South Pole didn't move from it's original position? To my knowledge? Biologically the Pangaea super-continent should be the most interesting...
26 January 2020 4,401 0 View
Energy waves are logical. Particle-wave duality has to navigate itself with the surrounding logical energy waves. All the information is carried literally and functionally by the energy waves (and...
24 January 2020 3,318 3 View
Oceanic Waters center of gravitation should be attracted to the center of gravity of the Earth. However, because the water of the oceans is different from the solid mass of the Earth, the water of...
17 January 2020 304 9 View
Cancer as of now is not an infectious disease. The Papillomavirus, virtually, causes all cervical cancers and yet cervical cancer is "not considered" as an infectious disease? Some lung cancers of...
26 September 2015 2,410 17 View
(chirality, chemistry), Could normal cells consume the D aa and then covert it to L aa for building proteins and cell use. On the other hand, could cancer cells consume D aa and not be able to...
24 September 2014 8,060 8 View
Why are the genes for bacterial virulence factors are often carried by mobile DNA.? are the bacterial virulence factors of any immediate metabolic benefit(s) to the career, in this case the bacteria.?
24 July 2014 376 3 View
There are certain locations on the genome where a mutation might happen at a higher incident. However, in bacteria the active genes are/make up almost the entire genome where the active genes in...
16 July 2014 8,818 2 View