26 Questions 63 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Suman Maroju
In WSN the data recorded by sensors is highly correlated in spatial and temporal domain. What are some good techniques which use this property to compress signal and send it to sink efficiently.
02 February 2016 5,642 2 View
Machine learning algorithms are always application oriented but do we have a machine learning technique which is most promising?
12 December 2015 7,184 4 View
We are designing an open web steel girder bridge of span 15m. The dimensions of the bridge are 15m x 2.6m x 3.8m. The bridge is a scaled down version of a Standard 30.5 m Indian Railways Bridge....
11 November 2015 7,913 5 View
I have used closed socket to close but I am unable to close a socket as my sever is not responding. I can reset the sever only when I close my program. Is there any way to reset the connection by...
06 June 2015 5,763 3 View
I know that crosscorr function normalizes the correlation and gives us correlation with respect to 1. Where as the xcorr function of matlab gives unnormalized values. But why I am not able to see...
06 June 2015 2,574 3 View
If p is probabilty of sucessful trasmission and 1-p is of failure then what is the probabily of sucessful transmision over n nodes. I want in the eqation form
06 June 2015 3,671 1 View
I am currently using an auto regression model for time series data. What other models can perform better. I am basically trying to model the vibration of an accelerometer data.
03 March 2015 385 6 View
does hosting a ftp server online is same as hosting a cloud data server. If no then what is the differece?
02 February 2015 8,733 3 View
Say I have some device which can store data but does not have any capability to send/receive, but my second device from far away places like, say 1km or so should be able to receive the data from...
02 February 2015 2,249 4 View
Topologies are decided on basis of application area. But in general what kind of topologies are most efficient in terms of power consumption.
02 February 2015 1,254 6 View
I want to create my own hardware for WSN systems by modifying the open source hardware platforms like beagle bone or so. Can somebody tell me which hardware platform provides all the hdl logic...
01 January 2015 4,101 2 View
Auto regression and auto regression exogenous. What is the difference.Where to use what?
01 January 2015 6,018 1 View
How to find a point in 3d space for the placement of main node quickly so that it minimized the distance between the other randomly placed points connected to the node in star connection? I am...
01 January 2015 8,510 9 View
Crosscorr is from the econometrics toolbox, while xcorr is delivered with the signal processing toolbox. Which is the better command to use.
12 December 2014 2,007 4 View
I am trying to use the corr2 function of matlab to find the correlation coefficient between two time series data so that I can find the similarity between the two signals. But I fail to do the...
12 December 2014 6,405 10 View
Can we get the localized characteristics of a structure from accelerometer data? I mean FRF and other parameters that give global characteristics of a structure. I think the accelerometer data...
12 December 2014 4,739 1 View
Event detection of any process like weather monitoring, animal habitat monitoring, vehicle traffic monitoring etc employ WSNs to detect any abnormal changes in the environment. Most kind of...
11 November 2014 6,236 2 View
I want to power up a device like beagle board /RasberryPi with a battery pack to run them for months in some remote location without power supply. So I want to know what is the best way to achieve...
11 November 2014 546 15 View
Signals can be of different types like Voice signals, Vibration signals, 2d signals like picture signals, Now my question is, how can I differentiate between the signals? How can I say one signal...
11 November 2014 4,521 7 View
Suppose I have some code written in .m scripts in MATLAB: In order to run the code in embedded hardware platform supported by MATLAB, is dumping a .m file directly to any hardware platform...
10 October 2014 473 3 View
I am modelling a bridge which has different dect section requirements other than provided by the CSI Bridge software. So How to make custom dect section in csi bridge?? Actually I am making a...
10 October 2014 6,521 3 View
Which are the best techniques to detect damages in civil structures particularly in Bridges? Whether model based or non model based techniques work better? Like non-model based we have statistical...
10 October 2014 1,818 13 View
Can I make an force sensor out of my accelerometer sensor so that I can calculate the force being applied on any object (force function)?
10 October 2014 7,669 4 View
Suppose I want to calculate FRF curve for moving train over railway track then how can I get the force function for the train? How can I calculate the force function from accelerometer data?
09 September 2014 5,966 3 View
I want to automate all by bridge modelling not directly using the program interface rather using a scripting language like matlab,vba,.net etc. Sap2000 provides OAPI but I could not find options...
08 August 2014 1,098 7 View
Hi all, I can import an .s2k file to an existing model using Sap2000 GUI program using File>Import options. But I am unable to find function to do this in through SAP OAPI. I basically want to...
08 August 2014 8,175 1 View