37 Questions 68 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Sudhakar Singh
How to write an effective research proposal in computer science and engineering so that it has the maximum probability to be selected? What kind of proposal are given more preference? What are the...
07 July 2019 1,716 5 View
Want to know the opinions on the practice of submitting manuscript in the same journal of which you are a reviewer?
09 September 2017 2,647 9 View
Is it a new fancy and alternative term for data mining?
05 May 2016 9,207 9 View
If the journal is indexed in Scopus or SCI then which ISSN should be indexed, either print or online or both?
04 April 2016 6,397 12 View
Are Literature Review and Review of Literature same and similarly Literature Survey and Survey of Literature? Whats the difference between Review and Survey?
03 March 2016 4,927 8 View
Is there some heuristic or some rule of thumbs to decide the ideal number of map/reduce tasks for a job to be run of Hadoop cluster?
12 December 2015 2,709 3 View
Particularly, if yes then all major algorithms like Apriori, FP-Growth and Eclat are np-hard or only Apriori is np-hard?
11 November 2015 5,293 7 View
Let we change the default block size to 32 MB and replication factor to 1. Let Hadoop cluster consists of 4 DNs. Let input data size is 192 MB. Now I want to place data on DNs as following. DN1...
10 October 2015 9,930 1 View
I have installed a Hadoop 2.6.0 Cluster using one NameNode (NN) and 3 DataNodes (DN). Two DNs are on two physical machine running Ubuntu while 3rd DN is virtual node running Ubuntu on window...
10 October 2015 2,264 29 View
Open access journals charge a high publication fee which is not affordable by a research student having no funding. I want to publish my work in a good journal of computer science. The keywords of...
07 July 2015 4,991 0 View
I am using this code snippet. But I am not sure this is the correct way. Is there any other methods or API to find the execution time of a MapReduce Job? Date date; long start, end; // for...
05 May 2015 6,637 2 View
As I studied that data distribution, load balancing, fault tolerance are implicit in Hadoop. But I need to customize it, can we do that?
05 May 2015 5,620 2 View
I am using Hadoop-2.6.0 and Eclipse Kepler/Juno. I have executed my MapReduce Job in both way and I found that running jar file on Terminal takes more time than direct execution for Eclipse IDE. I...
04 April 2015 3,468 17 View
I am using hadoop-2.6.0 and eclipse kepler on Ubuntu-14.04. I am confused about library file of hadoop, as there are so many jar files in contrast to hadoop-1x. So how many jar files should be...
02 February 2015 468 3 View
I have executed my MapReduce program on these two version of Hadoop and observe that Hadoop-2.6.0 takes about double time in comparison to Hadoop-1.2.1. And also confused about the jar files of...
02 February 2015 1,629 1 View
I am using Hadoop-1.2.1 on Ubuntu 14.04 and want to execute my mapreduce code on Hadoop-2.6.0. Does it need a fresh installation of newer version or it can be upgraded from older to newer version?
02 February 2015 5,974 0 View
I have accessed the following page to download hadoop-2.6.0 but confused which file I should download. Whats are the use of each. http://apache.bytenet.in/hadoop/common/stable/
01 January 2015 2,494 7 View
In driver class I have added Mapper, Combiner and Reducer classes and executing on Hadoop 1.2.1. I have added NumReduceTasks as 2. The output of my mapreduce code is generated in a single file...
01 January 2015 3,322 4 View
I need a tool / software / code in java that can represent the abstract tree in a graphical way i.e. showing labeled nodes connected via labeled edges.
01 January 2015 5,183 8 View
I want to implement Apriori algorithm using Java but stucked on how to use Hash Tree and Prefix Tree. Should I write my own code for these data structures ?
11 November 2014 2,406 2 View
I want to know if MapReduce paradigm is better than MPI (Message Passing Interface)? Which type of parallelism i.e. data or task parallelism is followed in MPI and MapReduce?
05 May 2014 1,502 12 View
What sections must be in slides presenting a core research paper and survey or review paper. What should be difference between presentation based on these two types of paper?
05 May 2014 3,676 7 View
I am using Ubuntu in VMWare on 4 nodes running Window 7. I have configured Ubuntu with 1 GB RAM, 1 Processor and 20 GB Hard Disk each. Suppose I have used these configuration directly on physical...
05 May 2014 569 14 View
I want a distinguishable difference between these buzz words.
04 April 2014 2,456 6 View
I searching the sources which freely provide the big data sets specially Transactional data sets.
04 April 2014 1,514 2 View
In traditional parallel and distributed data mining algorithms the issues are data decomposition: data and task, data layout: horizontal and vertical, load balancing: static and dynamic, memory...
03 March 2014 4,099 1 View
Can I publish my paper if I have presented it in a conference which doesn't have proceedings, or if I presented poster on it in a conference?
01 January 2014 2,864 38 View
I have not found the meaning of N in N Computing. N Computing is also very related to Mainframe and Server based Computing.
12 December 2013 7,459 3 View
Data mining and statistics are both used for analyzing data. I want to know the detailed distinguishable characteristics between these.
11 November 2013 5,750 21 View
I need to install these simulators and tutorial to work with.
09 September 2013 2,321 3 View
I want to implement distributed association rule mining algorithms on either or both but don't know much about programming in grid or cloud environment.
08 August 2013 2,180 7 View
Can anybody please help me to find some good survey/review paper on parallel and distributed association rule mining, grid based, and cloud based association rule mining?
06 June 2013 7,317 60 View
I want to know how to implement Association Rule Mining in Cloud Environment? Does it only limited to outsource cloud space for storing intermediate data in mining process or anything more?
05 May 2013 3,864 4 View
Also I am looking for appropriate tools/software.
05 May 2013 5,570 2 View
Grid computing is the backbone of cloud computing but how it is different from grid computing ?
05 May 2013 464 17 View
Where to find these tools ?
04 April 2013 1,583 5 View
I need your valuable guidance about good literature and aiding tools.
04 April 2013 7,139 3 View