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Questions related from Stefano Quattrini
The sum of the natural numbers, first attempted by EULER, resulted as -1/12 . This astonishing result was justified by Riemann who used the analytical continuation of his Zeta function....
03 March 2017 876 11 View
Collective quantum physics is a fascinating discipline which seems to be very complex. The Mossbauer effect is explained as a consequence of a collective phenomenon which at a temperature close...
07 July 2016 3,774 5 View
In October 1971, Hafele and Keating flew cesium beam atomic clocks around the world twice on regularly scheduled commercial airline flights, once to the East and once to the West . In this...
12 December 2015 4,449 40 View
The Least action Principle and the Maximum entropy principle survived untouched the quantum and relativistic revolutions of the XX century. The Least action (EULERO-LAGRANGE, HAMILTON, JACOBI ,...
04 April 2015 8,075 56 View
The original integral form of the four equations of the electromagnetism was transformed in differential form by Maxwell using the Hamilton's Quaternions. The form we are using is the Heavyside's...
03 March 2015 7,886 17 View
Some authors affirm that since the doppler effect is based on energy/momentum conservation in the laboratory frame it is an acutal energy shift of the absorbed photon. A tiny part of the kinetic...
02 February 2015 9,379 79 View
From the tiniest particle to the biggest bodies, the thing that certainly survives is the angular momentum; 1) leptons and hadrons posess spins 2) atoms have their angular momenta 3)...
11 November 2014 5,719 64 View
According to Einstein, it was not possible to distinguish between uniform acceleration and a gravitational field, whatever was the experiment, provided that you didn't look outside the laboratory....
10 October 2014 2,555 62 View
In a gravitational field of a homogeneous spherical mass M, a sufficiently small mass B, compared to M, is left free in the gravitational field of M at a certain distance H from the center of...
10 October 2014 8,021 46 View
Fermions and antifermions at low speed annihilate in high energy photons. The energy-momentum balance of special relativity doesn't account for the local curvature of space-time of each...
09 September 2014 4,179 66 View
Rudolf Mossbauer won his nobel prize for discovering the effect which has his name. The nuclear recoiless resonance of gamma rays is the phenomenon which was registered in a iridium Crystal when...
06 June 2014 2,025 5 View
In the 2° book, chapter 42, paragraph 6 : "speed of clocks in a gravitational field" he affirmed: "since energy has the gravitational mass the photon has a mass not a rest mass and is attracted...
06 June 2014 2,636 21 View
FROM the paper of Quirino Majorana http://www.lincei.it/pubblicazioni/rendicontiFMN/rol/pdf/S5V26T2A1917P155_160.pdf "it emerges that the reflection of light on a moving metallic mirror does not...
01 January 1970 2,384 29 View
The Lorentz transformations were introduced after 1905 as an "improvement" of the Galilean transformations, since the latter could not maintain the invariance of the Electromagnetic Phenomena...
01 January 1970 7,794 93 View