23 Questions 35 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Shashank Mishra
Hi, Can someone please help me with deriving that false/numerical/artificial diffusion is flow direction dependent and it is given as (image attached). also as per Patankar book , numerical...
10 October 2016 3,130 12 View
The throwing of a stone in a lake (can be approximated as hydrostatic case) creates ripples in the water. The ripples or the disturbance associated with this is elliptical and travels uniformly in...
08 August 2016 1,281 4 View
Hi, I am solving time dependent inviscid flow inside a rectangular channel and I have to impose initial condition on vorticity. The inlet and outlet velocity profile is given which is linear in y,...
06 June 2016 1,556 5 View
Hi, if solving an incompressible flow using ACM method, for time dependent cases, we need to use dual time technique. Can some one explain me for example if I want to solve a simple question...
04 April 2016 9,120 3 View
Hi, I have a 3D geometry with a duct wall (image attached). Now for 2D geometry , I can very easily use imprint face option and create a wall but in 3D, I do not know how to do it. I tried many...
12 December 2015 3,505 0 View
Hi, The mixing associated with separation and re-circulation results into more entropy generation and consequently increases the losses. But why drag is increased when we have separating flows?
12 December 2015 5,401 13 View
Hi, While simulating flow in a rectangular channel and using primitve variable formulation, what should be my pressure gradient boundary condition at outlet where I have assumed fully developed...
10 October 2015 10,061 2 View
Hi,I was trying to run a simple duct flow case with laminar and inviscid flow. The objective was to check the outlet velocity if I have imposed a parabolic velocity profile at the inlet depicting...
10 October 2015 4,723 7 View
Hello Everyone, I am trying to simulate a high speed train (2D) , in fluent. I have used sliding mesh before , so I setup my problem accordingly, creating two separate zones, one for solid and one...
09 September 2015 3,679 10 View
Hello everyone, I am trying to simulate a simple pipe flow with conductive fluid under the influence of a constant magnetic field. I went through the MHD module of fluent, but failed to set up...
08 August 2015 585 7 View
Hi, I am solving flow in a duct using primitive variable formulation ( not using vorticity stream function). I am having trouble with specifying boundary conditions. I know du/dx= 0, once flow is...
08 August 2015 3,914 7 View
Hello Everyone, I am trying to perform CFD simulation of a 2D Evaporation problem. It involves a stationary droplet resting on the surface of a heated wall of a duct, ( the shape of the droplet...
06 June 2015 7,631 4 View
Hello Everyone,I am trying to setup Volume of Fluid simulation in Fluent to study the droplet interaction with the wall under the influence of gravity. The domain is a rectangular 2 D body...
06 June 2015 6,799 6 View
Hi, I am solving NS equations and trying to code them in Matlab for lid driven cavity. I have solved the problem using FDM but I have very little experience with FVM.Can anyone help me with the...
05 May 2015 4,033 10 View
Hi, I am trying to create a Centrifugal Compressor and perform CFD analysis of it. I have calculated required thermodynamic and other parameters like blade angles, incidence angle, relative Mach...
03 March 2015 8,790 15 View
Hi, My objective is to study the variation in temperature as the fluid is expanded across a 3D nozzle. And therefore, I cannot specify temperature at the outlet. Do I need to create a separate...
03 March 2015 9,385 10 View
Hi, I am trying to study the effect of swirl on Turbulence using CFD. My objective is to specify turbulence intensity at the inlet of the pipe and study the effect of swirl generators on...
03 March 2015 5,031 6 View
Hi, I am trying to see the effect of modified AVF ( arteriovenous fistula ) on wall shear stress and oscillating shear stress. Is there any good literature from where I can find what velocity...
03 March 2015 1,541 4 View
Hi, can someone explain me or provide me any literature where grid generation is explained for non rectangular geometry to perform CFD analysis using Finite difference method. I need to learn to...
03 March 2015 6,880 4 View
Hi, I am trying to learn how to convert CT Scan files into CAD geometry which later I can use for flow simulation. I looked on the internet and downloaded trial versions of software like Mimics,...
08 August 2014 1,559 18 View
Hi, I am using Execute_at_end macro of fluent to print torque values in console window for unsteady simulation of wind turbine. Here is the udf code I am...
07 July 2014 7,182 0 View
Hi, I am trying to simulate 2D wind turbine with dynamic meshing and 6 dof solver of Fluent. My objective is to calculate omega based on torque generated due to impingment of air on blade...
07 July 2014 5,572 1 View
Hi, I am trying to run a simulation in fluent for 2D Wind Turbine using Dynamic meshing.I read somewhere that time step required for convergence in dynamic meshing has to be very small for very...
07 July 2014 415 10 View