10 Questions 44 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Samsher Singh
Increasing number of reports says that after the exposure of bacteria to bactericidal agents, there is formation of reactive oxygen species. My specific quaestion lies in the quantity of ROS, if...
02 February 2019 2,286 6 View
P-gp inhibitors enhances the drug level inside cells by inhibiting the efflux. My specific question is whether a P-gp inhibitor can be used to enhance the level of rifmapicin in lungs and...
08 August 2017 1,650 3 View
If one is spotting the 20 microlitre spots directly and dilutions from total 1 ml of unknown CFU sample. If one gets one or two colonies on two plate and no colonies on plate on other four plates....
01 January 2017 1,711 9 View
Dear researchers I wish to knew the reason why researchers use cancer cell lines for assessing the cytotoxicity. Do they mimic the normal cells of human ? If yes then how ?
12 December 2016 7,676 5 View
Dear Researchers I have came across some softwares which are helpful in drawing the immunological pathways, metabolic pathways but I cant find the software which can be helpful to draw the simple...
10 October 2016 9,970 0 View
I am using Transcriptor first stand cDNA synthesis kit from Roche..........Somehow Transcriptor RT Reaction buffer is missing........can we make it manually. The concentration is given on kit manual.
08 August 2016 6,499 1 View
Can we see whether cDNA is formed, particularly on gel. We measure the cDNA by 260/280 absorbance ratio and RNA is seen on gel. But could we see the freshly prepared cDNA first template on gel....
08 August 2016 977 6 View
Dear all I wish knew best book which covers all aspects of Anti infective drug discovery process from in vitro testing to in vivo, PK, PD related aspects in a simple and up to date way.
06 June 2016 9,011 5 View
Is there a pure line demarcation between vegetarian and non-vegetarian ? If somebody talks of purely vegetarian, is he not eating yeast, bacteria, molds? Need only scientific input.
01 January 2016 2,245 2 View
I want to study some compounds which raises the pH to alkaline for their bactericidal action. Is there any biosensor available, or well known method to measure alkaline pH in bacteria.
01 January 1970 3,431 7 View