14 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Saleh Ali Ali
I have a model and it has many construct. Most of these constructs are multidimensional ones (being multidimensional construct is not a main point to discuss in my research!) Let's say that I want...
13 April 2019 6,029 2 View
I have a model that examines the association between two variables, and I have about nine moderators! My question is: is nine moderators too much? what factors I should consider when deciding...
24 June 2018 8,918 3 View
I am investigating the issue of value co-creation recovery. However,the research interest in my department focuses on branding. Could you give me ideas of how can I link between these two?
20 March 2018 7,677 4 View
I sent my work for a review and got useful and constructive feedback. However, one of the comments were not clear to me! It says: “Re-think the context of your model”. Now, my research problem...
29 November 2017 9,470 6 View
I am looking at the impact of sharing emotions with others. Previous research has shown when individuals share their emotion, sad ones, in particular, they feel better. Now, there is another view...
25 May 2017 1,378 6 View
I need some references about psychological commitment and the only book I found was "The psychological of commitment" for Kiesler 1971. The book is great but I obviously need more up to date books...
11 October 2016 4,391 5 View
Hi all, I want to conduct a meta-analysis review. I found that it is very common to adopt some strict criteria such as choosing four and three stars journals. However, the topic I want to discuss...
12 July 2016 3,397 7 View
are there any differences between brand equity antecedents and brand equity components?
14 March 2016 9,587 6 View
Hi all, I once read an interesting study about the journal articles' objectives. The study found that some researchers claim that their research is original and has not been done before, others...
18 January 2015 1,756 3 View
Hi all Critical realist assumes that all our observations are theory laden. Well, I am not sure to what extent I agree with this but found it “true” when I formulated my research problem. As my...
30 August 2014 3,497 6 View
I want to build a theory based on Van de Ven approach which suggests that building a theory includes three activities:1- Theory conceiving and abduction is used to this stage2- Theory construction...
13 August 2014 5,863 1 View
My research question is:What are the strategies that hotels’ managers/owners follow to respond to negative posts in social media? I found that hotels’ response strategies can be classified into...
13 August 2014 5,279 2 View
Hi all, As far as I know the positivism tends to be the dominant paradigm in the marketing literature in general and consumer behaviour in particular. However, I need some references to support...
02 August 2014 5,815 13 View
Are reliability and validity important if: 1- I use one of the quantitative methods and run sort of statistical analysis just to explain some of the findings that I have already come up with using...
26 July 2014 4,187 8 View