I am investigating the issue of value co-creation recovery. However,the research interest in my department focuses on branding. Could you give me ideas of how can I link between these two?
In one of our contributions we go even further than Grönroos and classify the term as pre-scientific. This, of course, is not the current mainstream. Yet, what exactly is created together? I can only think of some artifacts. Value (in use) arises through subjective attribution in the psychological system (roughly in the mind) of those involved. In my opinion, these are 2 distinct processes connected via a not perfect cause-effect relationship. Therefore the two phenomena should not be treated as one, at least not in a scientific context: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312914755_Value_co-creation_disclosing_Service-Dominant_Logic's_constructional_flaw
I know that this view is not currently mainstream. I wanted to add it anyway.
Co creation is the process that emphasizes emotions, contexts and symbolic aspects of experiences and interaction between the customer and the supplier, and stimulate the customer to shifts from being a passive audience to an active player. In this process of Value co-creation recovery, the consumer are emotionally attached with the brand and thus leads to greater brand association.
Following link may be more useful in conforming relationship
may be this here helps you: https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/43671269/Collaborative_Networked_Organisations_an20160312-16772-19univa.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1521645158&Signature=yhCQgd%2BlZMuOobDWWISEcafQ3nU%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DCollaborative_networked_organisations_an.pdf