10 Questions 87 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ruediger Burkhard Richter
Is there anybody who knows about the conditions of electro winning of Nickel from a Copper-Nickel highly acidic solution? Which cells and electrodes are to be used and how selective is the...
12 April 2017 4,642 2 View
Dear Colleagues, Is there any microturbulence in a laminarized gas / liquid bubbly flow with Re < 2300 and if yes can it be described by the Taylor length scale? The more practical background...
02 July 2016 2,267 1 View
Dear Colleagues, in order to shield a dose rate (NORM in drums) from about 250 micro Sievert per hour, down to about 5 micro Sievert per hour, I have calculated a lead sheet shielding of about 17...
02 July 2016 2,058 8 View
Particularly I am interested in threshold values for 226Ra, 232Th and 40K activities in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Any input is highly appreciated. Thank you Rüdiger
19 October 2015 5,467 16 View
Dear Colleagues In case that the salinity of oilfield or brackish water is high, a possible method is blending the treated flow with high saline feed water (to dilute the input salinity). Is there...
02 October 2015 2,146 5 View
A typical effect in the oil and gas industry is the formation of scales inside drilling tubular and well completion strings during production. The challenge is to remove the scale first and...
15 August 2015 5,684 6 View
Test Method 1311: Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) in “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,” EPA Publication SW–846 and EPA, 40 CFR, Part 261 is...
15 August 2015 1,097 7 View
The occurrence of a variety of mercury species is depending very much on the pH and the solubility, but also whether the aquatic system is operated under oxic or anoxic conditions. Is there any...
15 August 2015 272 13 View
Experience with wet-mechanical treatment processes such as soil washing of high mercury waste (up to a range of about 1000 mg/kg) has shown that attrition of the sand fraction is not efficient all...
15 August 2015 1,200 2 View
The PARCOM-decision 90/3 from 14 June 1990 recommends that all chlorine-alkali electrolysis plants (CAPs) in Western Europe utilizing the amalgam process shall be phased out for reasons of...
14 August 2015 6,944 5 View