19 Questions 19 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Praveen Kumar Mishra
Can anyone please help me to understand the application of WA (weighted average) and WA-PLS (weighted average-partial least square) regression methods in pollen studies in simple language? Thank you
28 October 2022 3,959 0 View
How the proxy data (from lacustrine records) are useful to validate climate models for future climate predictions? Any suggestion would be great. Thank you
10 October 2022 3,499 1 View
Hi, Is there any relationship between a cyclonic storm in Bay of Bengal (BOB), SST of BOB and rainfall events in the coastal region of India? Would be great to have any suggestions. Thank you
27 November 2020 1,048 3 View
Hi, I have trace element data (using ICPMS) of the bulk sediments from the lake bottom. I would like to calculate the elemental ratios (e.g., Rb/Sr; Sr/Ca, etc.). Is there any method...
09 June 2020 2,813 3 View
I am looking for a book "Radiocarbon dating practices at ANU" by Gupta and Polach, published in 1985. Can anyone please provide the link or source from where I can get this book? Thank you
14 February 2020 6,672 2 View
How spatial inhomogeneity in paleoclimate records biased the interpretation of past climate variability. In some of the model-based studies, the advantage of spatial homogenous gridded data has...
07 February 2020 9,559 3 View
Hi, I would like to calculate the hydrological budget (HB) of the region which is partially covered by forest and heavily influenced by human activity. As I understand, the hydrological budget...
18 October 2019 9,641 3 View
In a correlation analysis, is there any rule/assumption that we should follow to calculate the p-values? For examples, (1) r (between Al2O3 and TiO2) = 0.65 n (observation) = 15 (2) r...
03 May 2019 9,239 6 View
Hello everyone, Recently, I was looking for some basic article regarding climate modeling, I found some interesting fact that some of the authors considered paleoclimate modeling is a very...
17 January 2019 8,340 4 View
I am a bit confused about the terminology used for Sunderban (in West Bengal, India). Is it a delta or estuarine settings. Or I would say, Sunderban is a complex system of the delta which...
09 June 2018 9,855 4 View
I would like to investigate lake sediments for amino acid analysis using HPLC. I would appreciate if anyone can help me to find the suitable methodology for amino acid analysis.
28 June 2017 4,068 3 View
Gypsum and pyrite are two essential minerals that are being used in the reconstruction of past environmental condition. Several evidence indicated that the authigenic precipitation of gypsum...
03 January 2016 8,162 3 View
I want to plot air parcel trajectory pattern for June-1997; June-2002 and June-2014 in one plot. Using Hysplit, is it possible to compile the trajectories from several months in one plot?
12 August 2015 2,449 7 View
During evaporative condition in a closed basin, there is a high correlation between d13C and d18O of bulk carbonate. What factors that influence isotopic composition of d13C during evaporation, so...
01 March 2015 6,505 7 View
How can you calibrate pMC dates? e.g. what would be the calibration values for 130±2 pMC.
17 February 2014 4,035 7 View
What is 1-sigma and 2-sigma error in the radiocarbon dating and how to decide which error range we should use for the data set?
06 November 2013 8,431 9 View
I tried to understand the meaning of D(4,3) and D(0,5) values in grain size analysis, but everywhere it is written that these values are volume weighted mean and surface weighted mean. I do not...
28 February 2013 2,800 10 View
For the reconstruction of past climate two things are most important: one is the reproducibility of data, and second is authenticity of age model, or in other ways we can say age model is the...
08 November 2012 8,827 6 View
I have the sediment cores and i would like to date the sediments using bacteria.
13 September 2012 9,857 3 View