18 Questions 30 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Padmanabhan Krishnan
Hygrothermal degradation makes a polymer composite more viscoelastic . So, the failure criteria equations should change for the sake of durability.
02 August 2023 9,296 1 View
PLease read my chapter contribution on the Viscoelastic response of polymers to sliding contacts. Why is it that this discovery was missed earlier ? Every tribologist has been doing the wear...
11 April 2023 2,741 0 View
ANSYS or ABAQUS donot correlate materials chemistry wirh the observed or simulated mechanical properties. Is there a software that can do this structure to property correlation. ?
23 September 2020 1,373 3 View
They say we were just speaking and not writing anything for tens of thousands of years till a basic form of writing evolved just about ten thousand years back. Why this yawning gap ?
23 September 2020 5,494 7 View
What are the models and formulations that would help in the simulation of impact resistance and local damage in thick sections of laminated composities using ABAQUS ?
23 September 2020 3,585 0 View
Additive manufacturing or digital printing are known to produce porous and lower than bulk density products. How can we produce highly densified zero defect products using these techniques ?
23 September 2020 1,572 4 View
The middle east has, many a time , sold India's inventions and discoveries to the west taking credit for the theft from illegal buyers. But, the west still ignores or distorts history. How did...
23 September 2020 8,064 1 View
The world attention is now on ultralight composites where matrix materials and fibres like UHMWPE which are lighter than water are used to make Self reinforced composites. But there is a dearth...
09 January 2019 311 1 View
As plane stress fracture toughness is generally higher than plane strain FT, it is OK if there is some plasticity in the specimen. What if the specimen has undergone DBTT ? It will be the other...
04 January 2019 6,666 17 View
Any comparisons with the other foams in mechanical properties and thermal properties ? Do they come in coated forms and who are the suppliers in India ?
26 September 2016 9,594 1 View
I want to know whether any light foam is superior to PMI ( Rohacell) in thermomechanical properties ?
15 September 2016 8,880 1 View
Ammonium sulphate and zeolites are used as catalysts to convert waste plastics into fuel through pyrolysis and condensation. Are any other catalysts used with better efficiency? The ones...
06 September 2016 3,546 4 View
It is said that just near and above Kashmir some woolly mammoth skeletons were unearthed. They were said to be alive as late as 10,000-15,000 BP. But their extinction elsewhere was much earlier,...
26 August 2016 9,876 1 View
Some of the failure theories work well for the tensile domain but are weak in explaining the compressive behaviour and no failure theory works well for the sandwich composite domain including foam...
29 April 2016 6,606 5 View
Flexural properties of laminated composites are layer dependent. For example, the flexural strength of a 4 layer/ 3mm thick/ 0.5b volume fraction is different from a 24 layer/ 3mm thick/0.5 volume...
25 January 2016 340 5 View
Do we really like limits, believe in them or can we prove that anything in this universe has its limits . What if we think what we know is the limit ? Limits get pushed sometimes when we know...
01 January 1970 6,653 1 View
Some scholars are of the belief that the civilizations that existed before the deluge from 13000 to 8000 BC were not many but one, and they almost flocked together. The level of advancement was...
01 January 1970 7,561 0 View
The wind power of some livestock is very high but remains untapped. This would serve to mitigate climate change towards GHG emission and global warming in addition to serving the needs of energy...
01 January 1970 3,307 2 View