18 Questions 43 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Noubeil Guermat
What is the relationship between crystallite size, contact angle and roughness for metal oxides?, and can I connect this relationship with the results of the electrical characterization (hall...
03 September 2023 3,232 3 View
Dear sir, I want to know if there is a possibility, what are the boundary conditions along the x and y axes for the diffusion of RH molecules in a sensitive layer?.
21 October 2022 7,660 2 View
Dear sir, What is the interpretation for the co-doped SnO2 film, when there is a decrease in intensity and an increase in width at half height of the most intense peak (110) ?. and is there any...
30 January 2022 1,623 2 View
Dear sir, What is the improvement of the addition of Zn in the SnO2 matrix ?. and what is the advantage of developing Zn-doped SnO2 by spray pyrolysis compared to other deposition techniques...
09 December 2021 2,847 8 View
Dear sir, Does conductivity always depend on mobility, charge carriers (electrons or holes)? And does the size of the crystallites depend on the mobility and the concentration, ie does a high...
21 April 2021 8,227 7 View
Please, I want some articles on the ASTM files (JCPDS 50-1429) of the cubic structure following orientation (111) located around the angle 32.85 ° for thin films of SnO2.
09 December 2020 7,081 2 View
I am looking to improve conductivity or transmittance by co-doping ZnO with Sn and? I did a little research following the literature but I did not find the best co_doping of ZnO by Sn with other...
22 September 2020 2,318 6 View
I am looking to improve conductivity or transmittance by co-doping ZnO with Mn and? I did a little research following the literature but I did not find the best co_doping of Zn by Mn with other...
22 September 2020 2,750 3 View
I am looking to improve conductivity or transmittance by co-doping ZnO with Sb and? I did a little research following the literature but I did not find the best co_doping of Zn by Sb with other...
22 September 2020 9,654 4 View
I am looking to improve the sensitivity of the ZnO based humidity sensor? In this case, is the correct sensitive layer based on pure ZnO or doped ZnO or co-doped ZnO?. For that please help me to...
22 September 2020 3,398 4 View
Please, What is most important for the gas sensor the physical parameters of the sensitive layer or the sensor geometry (interdigital) ?.
14 September 2020 7,886 4 View
I want to make a capacitive type humidity sensor based on ZnO or SnO2 by pyrolysis spray, and as the absorption is related to the permetivity of the material and the pores, in this case: According...
14 September 2020 8,072 10 View
The edge positions of the valence band (VB) and conduction band (CB) of semiconductors at the point of zero charge can be calculated with the following equations : EVB = X–Ee + 0.5 Eg ECB =...
07 September 2020 9,016 2 View
I want to increase the conductivity of ZnO by co-doping. What are the co-doping couples to improve the conductivity of ZnO?
31 August 2020 9,646 11 View
For calculate the surface energy we use the Owens - Wendt approach based on Young's equation: γS = γSL + γL cosθ, where γS is the surface free energy of the solid in mJ/m2, γSL is the...
04 August 2020 1,859 11 View
The total surface free energy (γtot) is divided into a polar component (γP) and a dispersion component (γD), as shown in equation: γtot = γD + γP Please, are the following parameters correct for...
03 August 2020 6,298 4 View
Is pure SnO2 hydrophobic or hydrophilic in nature?
15 July 2020 7,075 6 View
What is the scientific reason for Zn-doped SnO2 films ?. If it is enhancing properties, what are these properties ?.
22 June 2020 9,861 0 View