11 Questions 15 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Nicola Marrano
Dear all, I'm trying to understand if a molecule of my interest (capable of inducing glucose-stimulated insulin secretion) determines an increase in intracellular calcium levels in the presence of...
17 February 2021 672 2 View
I need to understand if an antibody I'm using is specific or not. The antibody is not validated. In immunoblotting, the antibody detects a prominent band at the right molecular weight and two...
30 April 2019 4,947 4 View
Dear All, I need a freeware software to realize column scatter plots, like those in the attached image. Can someone help me? Thank you!
04 June 2018 6,969 6 View
Dear all, I need to analyze the expression of 8 specific hypothalamic genes through qRT-PCR technique. My starting material is represented by mice paraffin embedded brains. Since it is difficult...
22 December 2017 4,068 2 View
I would like to see beta cell apoptosis in human pancreatic dissociated cells. I thought I would make a costaining: TUNEL to detect apoptosis and Insulin to mark beta cell. Someone has ever done?...
15 February 2017 9,900 3 View
I'm studyng the effects of a new molecule on beta-cell function. I have demonstrated that it is able to increase both insulin content (glucose concentration in the medium was 11 mmol/l) and...
01 February 2017 6,022 4 View
I'm performing a real-timePCR experiment (Applied Biosystem step one plus) using SyberG as fluorescent dye and ROX as passive dye. At the end of the run, only in some wells, the software gives me...
11 March 2016 3,794 3 View
Could I use a plasma/serum insulin ELISA assay to dose intracellular insulin content?
05 January 2016 9,715 2 View
I'm going to dose triglycerides in serum of CD1 mice fed with high fat diet using a colorimetric assay (abcam ab65336). I have to dose a lot of samples and the kit allows for 100 tests: i do not...
08 October 2015 1,540 4 View
I need to perform a co-immunoprecipitation of an extracellular protein to identify the receptor to which it binds. In order to avoid that the antibody used for the immunoprecipitation recognizes...
20 July 2015 6,462 5 View
I need a freeware for Four Parameter Logistic curve fit. Does it exist?
11 May 2015 1,020 8 View