10 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Nathan Howell
I've just discovered the existence of the ADM1 model for anaerobic digestion simulations through reading a review paper. When a paper recommends a model or compares several, I'm used to seeing...
29 January 2021 5,211 2 View
I've been looking around for some common relationships between above ground biomass of vegetable and legume crops (peas, tomatoes, beans, Swiss chard) and easily measurable growth...
15 July 2019 4,096 10 View
If you some type of carbonaceous and/or highly porous biomass based porous media, there is a good chance that it is going to float. So using standard porosity testing for soils is problematic....
25 July 2017 3,803 3 View
Longer question: "If you were given only 20 parameters to analyze in groundwater to generally assess its water quality, hydrologic connections, and usefulness what would they be? I have spent more...
10 July 2015 2,275 34 View
A paper on the state of urban hydrologic modeling recently came out by Elga, Jan, and Okke. You can find it at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.06.028. In the paper the authors describe...
09 July 2015 522 3 View
Some researchers at Cornell have developed stacked rapid sand filtration technology for use in the developing world. As I understand it, it is useful for doing what traditional rapid sand...
16 March 2015 9,780 7 View
Hello everyone. I am initiating a project to model urban runoff flows into detention basins and then to also include groundwater recharge and evaporation from those basins. I live in a semi-arid...
09 January 2015 6,754 4 View
I feel like people know that wastewater effluent, if it is reclaimed, can be used for many things. But I don't hear a whole lot about specific uses other than trying to reconvert it to potable...
09 October 2014 8,124 7 View
Some of my colleagues have a class in water quality that is being taught in our department, and the question arose because of some municipal wastewater treatment plant samples that are from the...
11 December 2012 4,011 6 View
I am often involved in issues of sediment contaminated with PCBs and PCDD/Fs that can be combined in a number of ways to generate a Toxic Equivalency (TEQ). Now I realize that toxicologists...
28 November 2012 5,361 6 View