38 Questions 56 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Muhamad Khairulbahri
I have climate data such as rainfall and another data such as aquifer volume. I want to assess whether all of this data is credible without any errors such as systematic error. What statistical...
08 August 2018 4,647 3 View
I am learning about aquifers and have found some acronyms such dynamic reserve and "drenajes manantiales y fuentes" (spring sources?. Can someone explain the meanings of these acronyms? And also,...
04 June 2018 6,812 8 View
I have read a statement that the global water supply is sufficient to fulfill the global water demand. But papers I have read did not mention the source(s). Can someone help me any sources of...
23 May 2018 2,960 4 View
I want to know whether there is a delay between infiltration of surface water and precipitation to aquifers (groundwater). If so, please suggest how much time is needed ? Again, if Groundwater...
27 April 2018 5,832 28 View
There are categories of supply chain such as supply-driven chains and demand-driven chains. Please give me best books and papers explaining this issue.
28 April 2017 3,573 5 View
I want to historical data from knmi.nl
28 April 2017 1,081 4 View
Can someone suggest handbook(s) that explainclasses of statistical models like in this link...
03 April 2017 1,365 3 View
I need to know whether traits relate to heat tolerance (HT) in rice and traits relate to high yielding (HY) are contradict each other ? For example, traits to HT tend to close stomata while traits...
06 September 2016 4,816 1 View
I have been corrected some climate outputs. What are possible indicators other than RMSE (or other biased errors) ? Are there any qualitative indicators ?
12 July 2016 7,808 9 View
I have a variable named A. Let's name a residual of A = time + c is B. I conducted a root test and found that B is stationary. In another time, I conducted a root test of A with a setting of...
30 June 2016 3,812 7 View
I want to estimate an equation Y = ax1 + bx2 + time trend + c. After root tests, I found that all variables are stationary in 1st difference, and then shall I conduct a cointegration test ? if...
30 June 2016 7,234 22 View
I need future climate output, what I have is only climate output at nearest point. What are justifications to use climate series at nearest grid point instead of downscaling GCM output ? After...
23 May 2016 4,164 21 View
I want to estimate the impacts of climate change on crop yield by 2100. Can I use climate output at nearest point instead of downscaled output ?
17 May 2016 8,541 2 View
I made projected temperature on rainfall in three interval: 2030; 2060; 2090. Do any projected temperature/rainfall by 2030 should have a similar value for RCP2.6 and RCP4.5 scenarios?
07 April 2016 6,991 3 View
So, I have a linear-quadratic model that might not be good to do forecasting. So, I transform my model to log-linear etc but the transformed model is not good (violations of...
14 November 2015 4,506 5 View
I am estimating the impacts of climate on crop productivity. Y= (0.1272*time - 0.00424*time^2) - 0.09*temperature + constant "(0.1272*time - 0.00424*time^2)" is a representation of technological...
13 November 2015 636 9 View
Based on observed data 1976-2011, I got a model to estimate crop productivity like: Y= 0.18*time - 0.005*time^2 + 0.15*temp + 2.33. and then I want to estimate the impacts of climate change (high...
04 November 2015 8,297 8 View
Is that possible that technological progress, technical efficiency or TPF has a negative growth ? If I say that better crop varieties as technical efficiency (same input but better output) and...
02 November 2015 2,527 11 View
Some papers written by Naylor, Lobell are using time variables as an independent variables. Let's say I obtain a model from observed data 1961-1990 such Y = a*time+a*time^2+c*temperature. Time and...
30 October 2015 9,570 5 View
What I am asking for is sensitivity analysis in this thesis (see attached link). In page 265 of the thesis you can find a paragraph "The magnitude of the change was measured by comparing the...
22 October 2015 9,089 2 View
I separate climatic data (min temp, max temp and rainfall) into two periods (the first period is 30 year data and the second one is 20 year data). After statistical tests, I found that rainfall...
09 September 2015 9,332 8 View
Statistical models usually employ a linear time variable and a squared time variable. I mean why the models do not include triple-squared time variables ? What are any reasons applying squared...
24 August 2015 1,086 4 View
I want to assess the impacts of sea level rise in an Indonesian province. In particular, I want to estimate inundated area due to sea level rise between 0 - 2 meters. Is that possible to get free...
18 March 2015 7,567 4 View
After regressing historical data, I got an equation c*ln A+ a*ln K+b* ln L+error, where A = technological change, K=kapital and L=labour. How do I change this equation to a general Cobb-Douglas...
09 March 2015 3,093 8 View
To conduct climate change detection, I will separate some climate data into 2 periods: the baseline and the current period. Say, climate data will grouped into the baseline period and the recent...
05 March 2015 301 4 View
I am composing a system dynamics model. Historical data shows that some variables (inputs) has fluctuated values. How do I set parameter values for the base case scenario ?
10 February 2015 9,219 5 View
K is capital and L = labour
24 January 2015 7,419 8 View
climate change climatologist agriculture climate change adaptation
14 November 2014 6,857 6 View
See above
31 October 2014 4,095 6 View
I want to measure the impact of sea level rise using QGIS. I have a map (DEM) and qgis. Anyone can give me a short lecture?
19 August 2014 956 4 View
The datasets from worldclim contain projections of minimum, maximum temperature and precipitation. Anyone know how to read these datasets using Quantum GIS (QGIS)?
29 May 2014 685 8 View
I want predict the land loss due to the rise in sea level. I need to know available methods, required data and related issues.
21 May 2014 3,700 4 View
Please provide some relevant academic papers.
27 March 2014 6,044 2 View
In several papers (by Lobell, Shlenker etc)..we can estimate impacts of climate change on crop yields using statistical analysis like: Y= A.temp+B.temp(square)+C....
22 January 2014 1,465 3 View
I need to know why I should use daily or monthly data. Why some use daily rainfall instead of monthly rainfall? Why others use monthly rainfall instead of daily rainfall?
01 January 2014 2,046 4 View
I need to know how adaptable a community to climate change, so I need to understand how to measure values of vulnerability, risks, hazard, CDF and exposures.
11 July 2013 7,306 3 View
I want to measure performance of rice supply chain and I'm wondering how many key performance indexes I shall use to evaluate it?
24 June 2013 9,071 1 View
Existing papers using system dynamics modelling to estimate climate change impacts on rice yield.
04 June 2013 3,116 3 View