9 Questions 39 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohammad Hasan Gerami
Dear researchers I have time series heavy metal concentration data in fish mussel, surrounding water and sediment. What kind of analysis do you suggest for modelling relation between heavy metals...
08 November 2017 4,130 12 View
Hi I am studying on freshwater shrimp growth and need to know about C and WP. How we can calculate these tow factor? Is there any package in R for calculation? Or can we estimate them in...
14 June 2016 2,290 6 View
Dear all I am trying to find best model for variogram modelling. How I can play with coefficients in variogram code in gstat package? anyone has a clue?
25 February 2016 7,603 5 View
Dear Researchers I had 3 data group. environmental data (Temperature, Oxygen, pH, EC and Turbidity), zooplankton community and growth rate of a fish. All data belonged to a one pool. Now I tried...
10 October 2015 4,977 6 View
I analysed some of my data from Caspian Sea basin. these data comprised form hard substrate of macrobenthic communities. I attached the results. in the attached file Time (1,2,3, and 4) represent...
05 June 2015 6,689 9 View
I want to study effect of depth on marine invertebrates and marine benthos. I have data on depth distribution and marine invertebrates community composition, but their compositions are very...
31 December 2014 6,984 10 View
I am working on a project using Arc map 10.2. I want to use 'Extent' and 'Cell size' from the option menu in Arc map 10.2. I added Spatial Analyst from the tools menu and enabled it to form...
23 May 2014 5,469 9 View
It seems to be a Polychaete. I suggested that it is pisionidae. Does anyone know the genus? It is colored with Rose bengal and Magnified *20.
01 May 2014 4,308 3 View
I am working on marine benthos. Here I have attached one species which I could not identify. I found it on depth of 15 meters in the Persian Gulf.
26 April 2014 7,935 30 View