I want to study effect of depth on marine invertebrates and marine benthos. I have data on depth distribution and marine invertebrates community composition, but their compositions are very vague.
Can anybody introduce useful paper for this issue?
I do not quite understand what do you mean under "effect of depth". Pressure is a general characteristic that notably changes with depth. However, other environmental factors like water and sea floor structure, bottom relief and sediment composition, chemical compounds distribution, habitats, etc. drive benthos distribution patterns (and, of course, flow-driven benthos distribution in rivers is very distinct from the benthos distribution patterns in marine ecosystems) . If your study is from the high-pressure biology field, I cannot recommend anything. In other case, it is better to clarify your question. E.g., about 90% of the macrobenthos biomass is distributed within the shelf depths (0-200 m) in the Sea of Okhotsk (Shuntov 2001) but distribution patterns differ by taxa and regions (Radchenko et al. 2010): Sea of Okhotsk. Radchenko V.I., Dulepova E.P., Figurkin A.L., Katugin O.N., Ohshima K., Nishioka J., McKinnell S.M., Tsoy A.T. In: Marine Ecosystems of the North Pacific Ocean 2003-2008, First edited by McKinnell S.M., Dagg M.J., 01/2010: chapter Sea of Okhotsk: pages 268-299; North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES)., ISBN: 1-897176-66-X. Available on my ResearchGate web page.
Hi. Take a look at this paper well, by the late Prof. John Gray:
Gray, J.S., 1997. Gradients of marine biodiversity. In Ormond, R., Gage, J., Grassle, J.F., (Eds) Marine biodiversity: patterns and processes. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp.18-34.
Hi, I can recommend you this paper about bathymetrical distribution of the ascidian Halocynthia papillosa:
Coppari, M., Gori, A., & Rossi, S. (2014). Size, spatial, and bathymetrical distribution of the ascidian Halocynthia papillosa in Mediterranean coastal bottoms: benthic–pelagic coupling implications. Marine Biology, 161(9), 2079-2095.
Also others from Antactica, regarding benthic communities:
Sahade, R., Tatián, M., Kowalke, J., Kühne, S., & Esnal, G. B. (1998). Benthic faunal associations on soft substrates at Potter Cove, King George Island, Antarctica. Polar Biology, 19(2), 85-91.
Tatiàn, M., Antacli, J. C., & Sahade, R. (2005). Ascidians (Tunicata, Ascidiacea): species distribution along the Scotia Arc. Scientia Marina, 69(S2), 205-214.
Young, C. M., Sewell, M. A., Tyler, P. A., & Metaxas, A. (1997). Biogeographic and bathymetric ranges of Atlantic deep-sea echinoderms and ascidians: the role of larval dispersal. Biodiversity & Conservation, 6(11), 1507-1522.