45 Questions 41 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Max Emmanuel
Consider 3 hollow conductor spheres A, B and C together with the charged hollow conductor sphere X of charge Q.Let the spheres A, B, C and X be of a similar capacitance C. i.e.The difference in...
07 July 2017 8,742 15 View
Michael Faraday experimented with 4 ice pails what about infinite of them.
06 June 2017 1,849 3 View
I created this thought experiment but it seems to contradict energy conservation. Electric charges may have the tendency to mirror energy without transforming it. Let’s charge a conductor sphere...
09 September 2016 6,269 30 View
The neutral body could be a Van de Graff generator. If its not equal it brings problems.This link holds more detail https://www.researchgate.net/publication/308595788_CREATE_ENERGY_ELECTROSTATICS.
09 September 2016 7,509 5 View
I strongly believe Space can't exist everywhere. What will happen to a Spacecraft trying to leave the Universe and enters a region of no Space? If a Spacecraft traveled in one direction through...
08 August 2016 9,539 1 View
A more massive body will apply a stronger pull on a photon than a less massive body. Is this correct?
07 July 2016 3,895 10 View
We all agree that time stops in a Black hole compared to most parts of space, now what if in addition to that I move at the speed of light in it. Will I go back in time?
07 July 2016 384 2 View
White and coloured bodies have enough energy so reflect out excess while Black bodies have low energy and so have enough room to absorb all and reflect no light. Is my hypothesis correct?
07 July 2016 3,266 8 View
There is a chance that since the moon's gravity is strongest at that point this will minimize the orbital decay. The satellite could also be placed to periodically pass through the high tide to...
07 July 2016 1,192 6 View
Electrons act as small magnets and many of them combined and their magnetic fields aligned together produce a powerful magnet. Can't this be done macroscopically? Is my proposal viable?
06 June 2016 5,388 9 View
I tried it and it somewhat worked but may be it is from a different source.
06 June 2016 8,130 0 View
A torque acts on a current loop in a magnetic field. We use magnetic fields to trap elementary particles. It could be that the spin numbers we are observing is the product of the actual spins of...
06 June 2016 3,064 12 View
Basically I mean that will a negatively charged body make a better magnet, since unpaired electrons are the source of magnetism in ferromagnetic materials. So after negatively charging a material...
06 June 2016 8,993 9 View
If We could charge it so highly We could get a superconductor. Even insulators like paper will be able to conduct electricity after being charged. Is this idea of mine possible?
06 June 2016 9,355 4 View
It could be used for powering generators for example in spacecraft. Is storage of energy in form of elastic potential energy viable?
05 May 2016 4,134 1 View
Am working to figure out how current deductions about the Universe are made using old data from the Stars. Clearly the Star velocities we measure currently are the past and not their actual...
05 May 2016 7,135 4 View
The image below shows a brief description. For more information please follow this link...
05 May 2016 5,784 1 View
Since we can send electromagnetic pulses from Earth to Spacecrafts out of the solar system and induce an electric current in their communication circuitry. Why can't we send more powerful pulses...
05 May 2016 3,856 6 View
I looked into it critically and realized that for example to get the forces between two electrons you need to add the force due to the electric charges plus the force due to the magnetic fields...
05 May 2016 4,156 2 View
I read that human beings always get charged, then can't we create an opposite or like charge to pull or push on the human and simulate gravity?
04 April 2016 497 1 View
Does the capability of detecting gravitational waves make this close to possible?
04 April 2016 3,737 9 View
Radioactive substances like polonium-210 emit alpha particles at 5% the speed of light and in large amounts. If their emission can be pointed in a given direction, imagine the velocity our...
04 April 2016 4,191 12 View
This link http://science.time.com/2014/01/03/watch-scientists-suspend-objects-in-midair-with-sound-waves/ shows sound waves trapping materials. If not can photons be used the same way to trap a...
04 April 2016 5,501 5 View
I read that if the laser beam can bounce to and fro the power needed will be reduced. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photonic_laser_thruster
04 April 2016 7,721 15 View
If the the photons approaching our sail at low energy can be given high energy when bouncing back we definitely shall gain more momentum. Is my proposal feasible?
04 April 2016 9,337 5 View
From the deceleration parameter q=−(a¨a/(a˙)2) ---------(1) where a is the scale factor. Hubble's parameter H=a˙/a ------------(2) Substituting equation (2) in (1), q=−(a¨/Ha˙)...
04 April 2016 7,058 10 View
I am trying to relate this to the working of dark energy since it came to existence after bodies with strong gravitational fields like black holes came to exist. It could be that at great...
04 April 2016 7,190 13 View
I was thinking of a way to increase the energy density of a material. I also read that plasma has a high specific heat capacity than water therefore we can store the heat energy for an extended...
04 April 2016 6,751 5 View
I watched a documentary that said matter cannot exist without space. Could they be in the same bracket?
03 March 2016 2,822 6 View
We all agree that a charge moving towards a stationary magnet will be acted on by a force, what about in the above case?
03 March 2016 1,957 2 View
No need of long electrodynamic tethers and so will enable a small foot print and low maintenance costs.No need of power to run current through the tethers at all times to boost orbital velocity...
03 March 2016 4,510 31 View
How exactly is this energy converted directly to mass?
03 March 2016 1,679 2 View
Two conical opposite sign charged bodies are placed in a hollow circular cylindrical charged body where they experience a one directional force at all points.What physics law will it be...
03 March 2016 8,570 2 View
If no, will a macroscopic negatively charged particle moving from the negatively charged plate to the positively charged plate connected to a closed circuit exert a momentum on the plates? I...
03 March 2016 2,078 12 View
All charged particles have mass. All charged particles spin. Charge is invariant. Is my hypothesis in the right direction?
03 March 2016 7,604 3 View
Regions with high energy always have a tendency of flowing to regions of low energy to create an energy balance.
03 March 2016 3,236 8 View
I am doing some work in unified field theory and am asking, if the unified force is in newtons then could it be F=C^2/µεG Where F is the unified force in newtons, C is speed of...
10 October 2015 1,751 0 View
I worked out this formula B=Bg/4π√(εG) Where B is the magnetic flux density at the surface of the Earth or a body, Bg is the gravitomagnetic field of the Earth or a body, ε is the permittvity of...
10 October 2015 5,323 3 View
We know that these Subatomic particles spin faster than light. At such speeds the magnetic fields get stronger than the electric fields. This can for example make two positively charged particles...
10 October 2015 8,105 15 View
Please read this https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282157370_VALUE_OF_THE_UNIVERSE%27S_ACCELERATION Your ideas are welcome.
09 September 2015 652 1 View
Has it been proven experimentally? What are the consequences of their half lives being different ?
09 September 2015 1,703 1 View
Could it be true to say, taking the numerators or denominators x=3 like in differential equations.
07 July 2015 7,312 1 View
Using a proton charge 1.602*10^-19 coulombs is equal to proton mass 1.673*10^-27 Kg. One coulomb = 1.673*10^-27 Kg divide by 1.602*10^-19 Therefore One coulomb is equal to...
07 July 2015 7,843 3 View
This means, Proton mass in grams MP= 1.673*10-24 grams Proton charge e= 1.602*10-19 coulombs e/MP=95756 Coulombs per gram, which is approximately equal to Faraday's constant. e/MP=NAe where NA is...
07 July 2015 5,023 2 View
After solving dimensions of electrical equations, I found out that the fundamental dimension of Electric charge is mass only. This also leads to the derivation of dimensions of other...
06 June 2015 1,931 50 View