15 Questions 39 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Matt Jans
This isn't my specialty area, and I'm not in a position to conduct an extensive lit review, so I'm hoping you all can point me to your favorite sentiment analysis articles. By "sentiment analysis"...
20 September 2021 8,291 10 View
I've been developing a research interest in state and local data sources from working with CHIS for the past few years. We all know about the BRFSS and state-level data like that, but I'm...
27 March 2017 5,094 1 View
Demography is not my specialty, and I'm new to the study of "neighborhood effects" and geographic clustering by race/ethnicity and language. I'm wondering if there are some (even if more than one)...
14 February 2016 5,251 5 View
I have a good sense of how Stata and SAS differ in how they handle data files (with SAS reading only one observation into memory at a time and being able to handle multiple files at one, and Stata...
26 February 2015 1,652 7 View
I did my PhD in survey methodology and coded question-answer sequences from recorded interviews for my dissertation data. I built my coding scheme on some of the common schemes in my field and...
05 February 2015 7,828 12 View
The specific context is industry and occupation codes. These are 6-digit codes that are hierarchical and categorize a person's industry and occupation based on what they report to an open-ended...
27 January 2015 9,083 8 View
My wife and I were talking about this tonight. There are some programs that work and some that don't (and many others that haven't been evaluated). Bullying intervention is her area of research,...
23 January 2015 3,813 6 View
Do you know of or have a survey that collects sexual orientation (i.e., LGB or "sexual identity") data from teens or older adults? I've been gathering some info on LGB questions broadly, so I'd...
02 December 2014 7,703 4 View
I realize there are some situations where a true dummy coding (0, 1) is needed to make coefficients interpretable (and situations where you have to do contrast coding, etc), but in terms of...
21 August 2014 6,473 11 View
The survey I work on has a lot of online documentation and we often get positive feedback on it from users, because we explain in detail how the data was collected, how cases were sampled,...
05 June 2014 7,524 2 View
I'm doing some research on this right now, and finding an interesting relationship. Has anyone out there studied this (directly or through lit review)? Any expectations one way or the other? Do...
27 February 2014 9,897 10 View
I've seen some qualitative work on this, and I'm in the process of tracking down quantitative work as well. I've seen reasons cited like privacy (i.e., "I don't want him talking to strangers"),...
31 January 2014 512 3 View
Looking for one or two model papers for a conference paper. Does anyone have a favorite paper on nonresponse bias (unit and/or item) in elderly populations...or papers correlating age with...
06 January 2014 4,605 4 View
I'm designing an incentive experiment for a survey of teen respondents. I'm wondering what amount of incentive will work for a short phone survey. The incentive will be promised (rather than...
15 October 2013 7,480 3 View
I found Kieran's paper describing his Emacs program and version control guidelines last week and fell in love! http://kieranhealy.org/resources/emacs-starter-kit.html Then had my heart broken when...
27 February 2013 1,997 1 View