20 Questions 57 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Markus Pausch
Dogmatism is a rigid, uncritical adherence to beliefs, doctrines and theories. I am convinced that we encounter dogmatism very often in political theory and the history of ideas. Yes, perhaps...
23 June 2020 9,945 1 View
Dear colleagues, I've been working about the qualities of political participation for a while (theoretically as well as empirically). The Qualities of Political Participation Theoretical...
13 April 2019 7,934 2 View
I have been working about political participation and its qualities for several years now and would like to discuss its effects - positive and maybe negative effects of participation. In an...
16 May 2018 8,189 16 View
In Europe, Africa and other parts of the world, we can observe some kind of supranationalisation (to different degrees, but still). Is it a possible scenario that in some decades, the world will...
01 April 2018 4,362 21 View
I am very interested in comparing the African Union to the European Union in terms of structures, treaties, institutions and decision making procedures in general. The EU developed over many...
01 April 2018 8,167 3 View
I recently published a book about democracy as rebellion basing on Albert Camus' political thinking. Who else is working on alternative political thinkers or democratic theories? I would like to...
29 March 2018 7,942 0 View
"Democratic innovation" or "innovative democracy" is a new field of political research. But is it more than the rethinking of old concepts of participatory democracy?
27 October 2014 2,497 26 View
Lately, more and more critical voices blame the rules of the scientific game. Even Nobel Price winners doubt the sense of rankings and impact factors. How can scientific success be measured?
10 December 2013 9,063 4 View
The democratic deficit of the EU has been discussed for about twenty years. Although, latest reforms have strengthened the EU-Parliament, the democratic weaknesses still seem to be relevant in...
07 October 2013 9,104 5 View
In management theory, participation of employees has become popular in recent years. But how much of it is possible and which forms of participation are realistic? Is democratic decision-making...
05 September 2013 1,030 2 View
In two of the oldest modern democracies (US and France) foreign affairs and security policy are in the hands of the President, while parliaments have only got a consultative role. For the first...
05 September 2013 5,232 9 View
One of the most interesting questions for me is the one for the explanation of human behavior. How much of our interaction and behavior is socially dominated, how much is biologically determined?...
23 July 2013 2,894 19 View
There are different attempts to measure well-being on the national and international level (OECD Better Life Index, Human Development Index, Database of Happiness Research etc.). Are there similar...
02 July 2013 738 4 View
Governance as the involvement of civil society and steakholders is a model of flat hierarchies. But can it be succesful without strong leadership and what kind of competences need those who manage...
01 July 2013 5,342 10 View
Workplace Democracy seems to be discussed in the US more than in Europe, maybe due to Europe's stronger trade unions' traditions. In democratic theory, a renaissance of these discussions from the...
27 June 2013 1,317 10 View
In times of coronavirus-crisis and fear, democracy is suffering. How can we protect our democracies and our right to rebellion in such times? Albert Camus, author of philosophical essays,...
01 January 1970 10,020 30 View
Dear colleagues, I am working about the relation between rebellion and democracy and recently published the paper "Democracy Needs Rebellion. A Democratic Theory Inspired by Albert Camus" in...
01 January 1970 379 3 View
"Capitalism" has become an empty signifier in the political debate - a kind of container term. But what are the most convincing definitions in academic discourse? Is it Weber's distinction between...
01 January 1970 8,464 6 View
In my work (lates article: Democracy needs Rebellion) I argue that those who protest peacefully are the real democrats, that protest and rebellion are the indispensable incredients of a democracy....
01 January 1970 9,748 4 View
What do we know about re-election or out-voting of persons or parties in government in or after times of crisis? #corona #voting #elections #democracy
01 January 1970 7,452 5 View