15 Questions 48 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mardene Rosalee Carr
Typically a class might have students at different levels and they also learn differently. What is the best way to deal with this situation so every child feels included?
05 May 2017 1,214 18 View
I realize that money is an issue for a lot of persons. There are many courses that are free that are actually quite good. Many of them give a completion certificate. Should companies start to...
01 January 2017 3,288 1 View
Has anyone been involved in Makerspace at the University Level? I was reading online and notice that several universities are talking about that. For the most part this is in Lower and Middle...
04 April 2016 3,382 7 View
Blogging has become such a popular thing these days. I am interested to know how persons feel about using this as an educational tool. Which subjects would it be best suited for?
01 January 2016 5,071 32 View
If you have been selected to present at a conference is it appropriate to be told that you have to pay the conference registration fee?
01 January 2016 2,357 18 View
Crowd funding has taken off and so many people have benefitted from it, but with the cost of higher education leaping forward is this something for persons to seriously consider?
01 January 2016 7,341 2 View
I have been reading and following up with the information on 3-D printers but is this one of those things that the bad will outweigh the good? I know all the good things they will do but lets...
01 January 2015 991 0 View
Sometimes I see persons who are brilliant in their fields but are terrible at getting this information across to the students. Should it be then, that lecturers be taught how to teach or is it...
10 October 2014 3,663 2 View
Many people have been touting the use of social media in education? Should more schools explore this? At what level of education will this work the best?
09 September 2014 2,521 6 View
There are many libraries that have Electronic books etc but this is usually alongside other physical documents. Florida Polytechnic University has opened a bookless library. Many persons have...
09 September 2014 531 2 View
With the high cost of journals and electronic databases many people cannot afford to purchase. Open Educational Resources are now an alternative, do you trust these resources?
06 June 2014 308 11 View
It seems that the list keeps growing but they are pretty much representing the same things. No matter what style is used, the same information is documented. So why do we need all of those?
04 April 2014 844 13 View
Librarians work closely with faculty when they are researching. Should they get together more often to publish?
03 March 2014 1,478 7 View
I believe that we should introduce entrepreneurship to kids as early as possible. Entrepreneurship is a solution to poverty that we many times overlook. Every school should have an...
01 January 1970 1,234 4 View
A large percentage of doctoral students do not make it to the end. What in your mind makes a doctoral experience successful; what are some strategies that doctoral students can employ to be...
01 January 1970 9,325 6 View