6 Questions 4 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mara Esposito
Dear all, I performed a PMN's infection using a pathogen. I analyzed the infected cells using flow cytometry. The infection was performed for 1 and 6 hpi. I have attached the data to the...
30 October 2023 3,696 0 View
Hi, I have a question regarding the hematology analyzer for complete blood count for blood samples. I would need to analyze fixed blood samples and I would like to know if the analyzer could work...
12 August 2021 369 3 View
I need to do fixation of blood samples infected with Brucella to sort those samples by FACS and later to use them for genomic studies. As I learnt PFA interfere with for example proteomic...
03 June 2021 9,197 0 View
I need to study the effect of the protein Y mutation on the levels of a protein X. So I over-expressed the protein X under 5 conditions: (1) not over-expression of protein Y (2) with...
08 June 2017 5,371 4 View
I need to load 120 ug of proteins in a protein gel. Do I need some precaution for the protein migration and western-blot?
12 July 2016 777 4 View
I am trying to detect endogenous Aurora B in the whole cell extract but I have high variability during the detection by LiCOR scanner. I use 2 different primary antibodies from BD technology and...
11 December 2015 4,103 6 View