8 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Majid Tanbakuei Kashani
Hi, How can I change global CSYS from rectangular to cylindrical in the initial step in Abaqus? I want to map radial and tangential stress components to the elements and nodes. Thanks.
04 April 2018 1,445 2 View
Hi everyone, I want to use Abaqus UMAT subroutine for perfectly, linear and nonlinear hardening plasticity. Anybody can help me how can I write it? Best,
01 January 2017 3,663 10 View
Dear friends, As a part of my project and after the first step of simulation, I have to put a crack on the .odb file and then simulate the crack propagation with considering the initial stress and...
12 December 2016 8,286 3 View
Hi everyone, I am working on a project in which Young's modulus is changed during Abaqus simulation. Actually, the soft material with the value of 1/10 of initial Young's modulus should be used...
12 December 2016 4,923 1 View
Hi, I want to change the material properties of some elements during simulation when Mises stress at theses element exceed a specific value. Anybody knows how can I do that in Abaqus . Many thanks...
12 December 2016 2,918 3 View
Hi, In my project, I have to extract the stress results in the last step of simulation and then use theses values in some equations and overwrite the calculated values as the initial stress (S11,...
11 November 2016 4,621 3 View
Hi, I have to use some element and node sets in the Abaqus subroutine which already are defined in the model. Anybody can help me how can I do that please?
11 November 2016 8,019 5 View
Hi everyone, I have to compare my project which simulated the formation of a rectangular plate to a pipe by applying displacement in multiple steps in both ABAQUS Standard (static simulation) and...
11 November 2014 6,776 5 View