9 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kunal Arekar
Hello People I am extracting host DNA from fecal samples. However, feces contains lot of microbes and their DNA too gets extracted during DNA extraction procedure. I want to get rid/minimise...
06 June 2019 6,796 6 View
I am trying to download r8s from this link, http://loco.biosci.arizona.edu/r8s/; but I am not able to download it. Can anyone please tell me how to download it. Also, how is r8s when compared to...
03 March 2016 10,049 1 View
Recently, I read about Nuclear Swamping in many articles. But, I don't think I completely understand what exactly is nuclear swamping. So if anyone has an explanation easier to understand, then...
12 December 2015 6,374 0 View
So is it possible to convert an excel file into mega format so that it can be opened in MEGA for alignment and analysis?
08 August 2014 1,673 3 View
I have nexus file (*.nxs) which contains a lot of taxa and the sequence length is also very long, so I cannot keep copy pasting it as it will take a lot of time. I want to know if there is any...
06 June 2014 5,978 6 View
I work on the phylogeny of one of the mammal groups but sometimes I wonder, why exactly am I doing this? What's the point in studying phylogenetics? Is there any direct benefits of my study for...
01 January 2014 9,892 0 View
I need to calculate phylogenetic diversity (PD) of many different areas. I found some ways to calculate it, but couldn't decide on which way is better. If anybody has any idea about it please let...
10 October 2013 2,994 6 View
I am trying to amplify mitochondrial as well as nuclear DNA from fecal samples but the success rate is very, very low. The reactions are failing miserably. I would like to know what kind of Taq...
08 August 2013 4,175 6 View
Whats the difference when we use a coding nuclear marker versus the non-coding nuclear marker? What difference does it make to the results? And how do we know when to use a nuclear coding region...
06 June 2013 4,790 2 View