5 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kanaka Sai Ram Padam
Can someone clarify me this. I have isolated the total RNA and converted it into first strand cDNA using an appropriate kit. Now the converted first strand cDNA is no more similar to the target...
15 June 2020 8,266 0 View
Can someone please answer me this. I am storing the cells dissolving it in the freezing media(culture media + 5% DMSO) at -80 deg C. Is it safe to do?.
03 April 2020 4,878 3 View
Recently I bought this from Thermofisher. After performing the RNA isolation according the manufacturer's protocol, I got the bands like this. Could you please clarify me if this is Total RNA or...
28 March 2020 5,507 5 View
I have been trying to culture cells from the tumour tissue sample I obtained. I homogenized the tissue sample and then seeded the sample into culture medium. But no result or there was a...
22 February 2020 4,662 4 View
I have isolated gDNA from cancer tissue and later run it on 0.8% Agarose Gel Electrophoresis for 30 mins at 50 volts. I got the bands as attached in the pic below. Can you please clarify me what...
05 February 2020 295 3 View