14 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Joseph Ackermann
Dear all, How can I find what is the viscosity of a solution of water with 1-2 mol/L of sorbitol please at 20°C ?
24 April 2023 2,798 1 View
Hello :) Why at the beginning at least tumors grow without vasculature ? When healthy tissues grow, the vasculature grows as well, so why are tumour cells different from healthy tissues ? Thank...
03 January 2022 5,512 5 View
Hi ! I'd like to implement numerically Smoluchowski aggregation equation (the population balance equation) for the aggregation-fragmentation for diffusing particles, but for a not so high number...
28 January 2020 7,757 1 View
Hi ! I'm trying to model a three phase flow in Comsol multiphysics. So I used the "ternary phase field model" but I'm very skeptical about it since it couples the mobility and the capillarity (I...
30 July 2019 9,089 0 View
Hello, There is a lot of litterature about the composition of the extracellular matrix, and about the roles of ECM in adhesion, signaling, etc... But I didn't find much about the mechanisms...
02 June 2019 1,249 1 View
Hi ! I was wondering wether immune cells were adhering to each other or could form tissues in vivo. I'm more specifically interested in macrophages. Thank you
15 May 2019 6,437 4 View
Is there a theory describing the way micelles or liposomes or bubbles coalesce in air and the dynamics ? In general I'm interested in the coalescence of spherical objects made of a monolayer with...
01 January 1970 2,599 1 View
Are there some example of correlation in the cell cycle for a population of cells ? I mean if you have a tissue or an aggregate, or any population of cells are cells which are in contact divide in...
01 January 1970 6,608 1 View
Hello Using the finite element software Comsol multiphysics, I tried to recover the Von Karman oscillatory modes by introducing compressive stress in the X direction for a thin plate in 3D whose...
01 January 1970 3,839 1 View
Dear all, In the Kobayashi phase field model for dendrites, is it possible to modulate the density of the branches please ? I mean if for instance a dendrite is of radius R in 2d, and the dendrite...
01 January 1970 6,286 0 View
Dear all, PIV is in general equivalent to the averaged flow velocity. But what can be expected in presence of strong fluctuations/noise ? Could PIV be significantly different from the flow...
01 January 1970 7,792 4 View
Hi ! I'd like to know if hypoxic cells communicate with the surroundings cells (that are also hypoxic or not hypoxic). I mean I assume they release signals that could lead to angiogenesis or...
01 January 1970 3,023 4 View
Tight junctions (TJ) are the structure of scaffolding proteins separating the apical and baso-lateral domains in an epithelium. I assume that during the growth of this epithelium, cells have to...
01 January 1970 3,066 0 View
Dear all, I am wondering to if there are clear types of equations to which one has to couple the phase field equation : d\phi/dt= - \delta F/\delta \phi where F is an anisotropic energy such as...
01 January 1970 2,295 0 View