11 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Johanno Wibowo
I want to do switching overvoltage simulation in power system. What are the recommended practices to do the job? Can we do it without any commercial software (e.g build own algorithm in Python)?...
18 April 2018 9,500 8 View
Let say I want to know the current flowing through a new line connecting bus A and bus B. I generate a Thevenin equivalent circuit of the system seen from bus A - B. Is this legitimate?
29 December 2017 3,225 3 View
There is a confusion in defining repair rate. From Richard Brown's book, Power Distribution Reliability, it is said that repair rate is the inverse of repair duration, which is defined as the mean...
01 September 2016 2,149 3 View
Let's say we have an ordinary radial distribution system. Now we want this network to be able to run intentional islanding with diesel generators connected to the end of the network. What are the...
05 August 2016 2,875 4 View
I'm planning to work on optimization of switch allocation in existing distribution network. I have no working on distribution system before. My question is, what are the considerations in moving a...
05 August 2016 2,731 3 View
Suppose the main power supply is down. The standby generator now supplies power to loads in its bus. Is it possible to make a standby generator supply power via the distribution feeder to another...
02 May 2016 2,642 8 View
How does it affects the accuracy and convergence of a load flow study? Why is it typically 1.6? Does it have something to do with the golden ratio?
19 April 2016 1,913 8 View
Is it significant in distribution system?
19 April 2016 2,413 3 View
What are the culprits? I test OCP analysis for a radial distribution system with 2 capacitor canditates and 10 buses but it takes forever to finish. The "Calculation in progress" window just...
04 April 2016 3,267 2 View
If we don't take cost into account, is using sectionalizers is always better than using two CB? What if we consider the cost?
02 April 2016 4,589 3 View
I am working on a research about distribution system optimization right now. For this research, I need to get any credible source of their cost so they can be compared.Is it usually justifiable to...
29 March 2016 965 4 View