10 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Jijumon A.S.
How can I estimate Kd value or any parameter showing the affinity of protein-protein interactions, If I have measurements(band intensities from SDS PAGE) only in linear range? Any methods, other...
09 September 2017 9,716 4 View
Can anyone please suggest me the best working concentration of Hoechst stain for neuroblastoma cell lines??
03 March 2016 6,015 1 View
Can anyone please suggest me a detailed technique for collecting insect secretions in nano litre range?
03 March 2016 9,007 4 View
What are the available tools & techniques to figure out a gene coding for a distinguishable phenotype in lizards ?
12 December 2015 9,468 0 View
If two proteins run in sds page with different molecular weights(having difference of 60 KDa),if both shows bands with same intensity,does it mean they have same concentration?
11 November 2015 6,927 3 View
Please suggest the name of any user friendly free software or websites used for generating cartoon videos or animated pictures for explaining molecular reactions involving biological molecules and...
09 September 2015 7,493 0 View
After pelleting down the cells for plasmid isolation or protein purification ,I found there are black substances along with the white pellets usually in the bottom part showing higher molecular...
07 July 2015 6,877 5 View
Amount of a polyhistidine tagged protein in an elution buffer having 30mM imidazole just after an elution with a 350 mM imidazole containing elution buffer is significantly more.Can anyone please...
03 March 2015 6,857 9 View
The recognition sequence for the restriction endonuclease AstWI is GRCGYC where R is any Purine and Y is any Pyrimidine base. In a truly random DNA sequence what will be the average distance...
12 December 2014 5,716 1 View
Can anyone help me to explain while running my protein samples in SDS PAGE, Actin crosslinking doesn't make any significant increase in molecular mass comparing actin binding protein samples.
08 August 2014 6,296 3 View