9 Questions 77 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Jacob Y. Stein
I am searching for a (relatively) comprehensive taxonomy or list of qualitative research methodologies. A list that goes beyond Creswell's "five approaches" (likely not exhaustive, but nonetheless...
25 November 2019 10,143 8 View
I am conducting a qualitative study. The manuscript was returned to me from the initial review with the recommendation that I revise and resubmit. So far so good. One of the reviewers, however,...
24 September 2019 8,101 8 View
Can anyone suggest literature regarding the question when should the literature review be conducted in qualitative research? I am searching for arguments for conducting it in any specific phase...
24 September 2019 5,293 31 View
I have seen in several qualitative studies, primarily those including some sort of content analyses (including thematic, etc.) that researchers report the number of participants whose responses...
24 May 2018 4,185 20 View
I am seeking to understand the contextualized meaning of a specific word for a specific population via their use of the word in narraives. This seems to call for a semiotic approach to narrative...
05 November 2016 6,340 13 View
I am seeking literature concerning integrative or holistic family models (e.g., Hill's ABC-X (especially), or Belsky's model or Bronfebrener's model) wherein the issue of the applicability for...
20 July 2016 1,869 4 View
Given that one of the premises of social constructionism is that there are no essences but rather only interpretations and discourses which shape our reality, and given that phenomenology is "in...
13 October 2014 6,246 17 View
I an trying to integrate various conceptualizations of the experience of loneliness. To date, there have been many attempts to define the experience, and except for one study, all accounts are...
09 July 2013 281 9 View
I guess what I am asking is not only if this is possible, but also how would such a study be done? And what are it's advantages and disadvateges? How vulnerable is it to criticism?
09 July 2013 340 7 View