22 Questions 129 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ibrahim Niftiyev
Dear colleagues, I am planning to investigate the panel data set containing three countries and 10 variables. The time frame is a bit short that concerns me (between 2011-2020 for each country)....
16 August 2021 8,714 6 View
Dear colleagues, I applied the Granger Causality test in my paper and the reviewer wrote me the following: the statistical analysis was a bit short – usually the Granger-causality is followed by...
15 June 2021 5,982 9 View
Dear colleagues, What can you suggest in order to fill the missing values, as you can see in the picture? Best Ibrahim
25 December 2020 5,008 5 View
Dear colleagues, What is your own experience with the identification of the predatory journals? There is a lot of information on the internet but still, individual experiences vary from scholar...
01 January 1970 5,797 3 View
Dear colleagues, I am applying the PCA to political and institutional variables to create an index and use it in the regression analysis as a dependent variable. However, the variables which will...
01 January 1970 5,954 13 View
Dear Colleagues, I am running a time series regression (OLS) based on stationary dependent variables and log form of explanatory variables. Very few of logged exp. variables are stationary. When...
01 January 1970 8,866 21 View
Dear colleagues, Is it ok to include 2 or 3 dummy variables in the regression equation? Or should I rotate the dummy variables in different models? The thing is, I have never come up with the...
01 January 1970 2,302 12 View
Dear Colleagues, I applied A PCA analysis (fixed two components to reduce 7 variables) and SPSS stored vectors of two components, which as far as I see can be treated as an index (especially the...
01 January 1970 4,055 11 View
Dear Colleagues, I am new to PCA analysis. I chose fixed 2 components to explain vegetable and fruit performance. How can I interpret the results below? I have trouble with contextualizing the...
01 January 1970 3,383 6 View
I am solving some regression equations based on the OLS method in Eviews software. I have overall 12 variables and 11 of them are non-stationary. I am planning to use Log forms. If so, do I need...
01 January 1970 6,208 32 View
Dear colleagues, I am planning to apply an interviewing method as a part of a mixed-method approach of mine in my dissertation. Particularly, I am interested in expert interviews. I plan to reach...
01 January 1970 889 6 View
Dear colleagues, I would highly appreciate your opinions. My question is: is it plagiarism or self-plagiarism if you use the exact same Figure with the same title, source, and notes? For...
01 January 1970 5,905 10 View
Dear Colleagues, One question scratches a corner of my mind, so I decided to ask it here. Do you think that sometimes peer review (single or double-blind) is too harsh and too cruel against the...
01 January 1970 4,927 12 View
Dear colleagues, how do you think about applying Pearson's R or Spearman's Rho correlation analysis on the panel data? Is possible to meaningfully interpret the results? Do you know any study or...
01 January 1970 551 3 View
Dear Colleagues, I estimated the OLS models and checked them for several tests; however, instability in CUSUMSQ persists as described in the photo. What should I do in this case? Best Ibrahim
01 January 1970 1,132 16 View
Dear colleagues, I ran several models in OLS and found these results (see the attached screenshot please). My main concern is that some coefficients are extremely small, yet statistically...
01 January 1970 6,401 24 View
Dear colleagues, I would be very grateful for your opinion on a strange situation I recently got into. I saw that in an MDPI journal, namely Sustainability, one of my papers was cited. However,...
01 January 1970 9,715 9 View
Dear colleagues, I am capable of using Eviews when it comes to economic analysis and research; however, due to certain limitations, I need to use Stata software on my MAC now. How do you think,...
01 January 1970 5,598 20 View
Dear colleagues, I am capable of using linear estimations between X and Y variables via OLS or 2SLS (on Eviews, for example); however, I need to study how to estimate/model non-linear...
01 January 1970 8,734 7 View
Dear Colleagues, I ran an Error Correction Model, obtaining the results depicted below. The model comes from the literature, where Dutch disease effects were tested in the case of Russia. My...
01 January 1970 5,721 9 View
Dear colleagues, From the screenshot, you can see my OLS estimations between institutional variables and oil-related predictor variables. My main hypothesis was that oil-related variables have a...
01 January 1970 7,557 11 View
Dear RG colleagues, I applied OLS regression analysis and usually, I report CUSUM and CUSUMSQ stability tests. But this time, I have to report more stability tests and I also included...
01 January 1970 4,201 9 View