17 Questions 102 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from I Putu - Artaya
Hello everyone, Sometimes we feel confused when we want to focus on measuring or assessing someone's experience, because someone's experience has a very broad scope, both morally and spiritually....
06 January 2021 871 3 View
Hello everyone, Can you help me, there are four main sectors that seem so important to a country, the four sectors are: food sources, energy sources, water resources, and the development of...
03 December 2019 3,835 7 View
Hello dear friends, Than every country is noisy and concerned about the exchange rate, every day at any time, should all countries in the world use only one single currency as a means of trading...
04 April 2019 8,292 5 View
When I observed a slum village, a place to live that could actually be changed became better, but because the culture of the residents living there was difficult to change, this activity became a...
02 April 2019 4,651 13 View
Every time there is a change in the president or the highest leader in a country, it is always followed by changes in the political, economic and legal atmosphere. the most felt is business...
08 March 2019 4,207 10 View
Hello, Now the world is warm in developing new generation cars using electricity. The goal is that vehicles become more environmentally friendly and minimize global warming. Will the generation...
27 February 2019 6,973 4 View
love for work, love for routine activities, love for the environment, love for animals, love for friendship .. can't find the trigger factor ... which triggers the emergence of love is the five...
26 February 2019 1,447 5 View
When conducting survey actions in the process of collecting and extracting data, we usually use a questionnaire in the form of a series of questions, which need to be asked, how long is the period...
20 February 2019 10,052 7 View
Generally each individual has expertise in carrying out activities, tasks or work, is mastering one skill always better than mastering many skills? surely each will have different opinions and...
14 February 2019 1,086 0 View
Although plastic is useful in our lives, it turns out that the longer plastic causes more damage to the environment, every country has struggled to overcome plastic waste, which can only be done...
13 February 2019 4,754 15 View
Every individual with various roles in life certainly hopes to succeed one day, The success achieved certainly brings benefits, materially and morally, for friends, family and work place, and that...
03 February 2019 4,582 17 View
Hello, How a publication can be said to be truly scientific and anything that can be classified as scientific publications? Thanks you for all,
19 January 2019 6,784 3 View
Where multiple linear regression analysis here uses the non parametric data approach. Can anyone provide an explanation or enlightenment?, the application of the concept of B.L.U.E (Best, Linier,...
14 January 2019 4,876 2 View
Sometimes from a multiple linear regression analysis results, get reality, F test results (simultaneous) do not match the results of the t test (partial), what should we do if the data is non...
12 January 2019 7,840 4 View
In creating innovation in any form, aren't we give priority to sharing and share it to other scientists? Our findings could have been continued by other scientists, then happened the cooperation...
08 January 2019 2,136 10 View
In the writing of an article we're working on, Sometimes we found a very nice theory of framework in accordance with the topic we write, then we take the writings belonging to other researchers to...
31 December 2018 1,289 4 View
Are you still doing online work in an effort to maintain security during this corona pandemic ??, by using several suitable web-based applications, I am sure you like it as an alternative option...
01 January 1970 1,164 26 View