10 Questions 122 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hamed Sadaghian
Hi everyone, I want to know which modeling strategies and which software are the best to define the parameters governing the behavior of reinforced 3d-printed concrete. Secondly, the...
11 September 2023 667 1 View
Software such as Mirage, Remcom's XFdtd software, OmniSim, etc. exists. but which one is the best for various purposes, for example thermal simulation, acoustic simulation, structural analysis...
19 October 2022 1,682 5 View
Hi everyone. There seems to be no specific standard for the fatigue loading of 3D-printed polymers/plastics and researchers use the most relevant standards from ASTM or ISO for polymers....
15 September 2022 1,497 0 View
Dear All, Is there any standard methodology to account for the size effect phenomenon observed in materials such as concrete other than ASTM C1683? Best Regards, Hamed
01 November 2021 6,075 2 View
Dear all, I hope this message finds you well. Given that thermal strain of FRP polymers (i.e., GFRP, CFRP, BFRP, and AFRP) vary notably at elevated temperatures in longitudinal and transverse...
17 March 2021 2,791 4 View
How do the thermal conductivity, specific heat capacity, plastic strain, critical compressive displacement, and thermal expansion of both hot-rolled steel and concrete change after cooling based...
16 February 2021 1,644 5 View
In lattice modeling of RC structures, what is the mathematical concept behind choosing the cross-sectional areas for the simulation of, for instance, beams? Besides, seemingly, simulating the...
27 January 2021 2,912 2 View
Both tensile and compressive strengths of concrete increase with the decrease in temperature. With this in mind and considering that fracture energy is in direct correlation with the so-called...
19 January 2021 8,969 4 View
Given the degradation of mechanical properties in concrete under elevated temperature namely, tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, compressive strength, etc., what is the justification behind...
16 January 2021 3,841 4 View
As the convection value for concrete-air and concrete-water interfaces in concrete arch dams depend on various parameters, what is the typical range for the value of the above two interfaces under...
08 May 2019 407 3 View