7 Questions 24 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Gertrud Wiedemann
Dear all, Has anyone experience what happens if genomic DNA is spiked to a plasma sample from which DNA is extracted using the QIAamp Circulating Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit? If we add different...
29 October 2020 8,478 2 View
Dear all, Can anyone comment on data analysis of Ion AmpliSeq HD panels by ThermoFisher? The specific question is how to set valid cutoffs in order to minimalize effort for manual review of all...
07 November 2019 8,783 0 View
Does anone have experience using the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit for the extraction of DNA from human hair? How much of starting material will be necessary. How is the pretreatment of the sample done...
26 October 2018 1,213 1 View
Dear all, has anyone used the Blood Mini QC kit from Oneservices with a Qiacube? If yes, how does this kit perform compared to the Qiagen QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit regarding yield and sample...
26 March 2018 6,549 1 View
I am interested to learn about other elicitors than chitosan which can be used to induce responses like upon pathogen infection in the moss Physcomitrella patens. Thanks a lot for your suggestions!
19 January 2017 9,020 8 View
Dear all, has anyone experience in storing already pipetted qPCR plates before running them in the cycler? We are using the SensiFAST SYBR No-ROX Kit by Bioline according to the manufacturers...
20 October 2015 7,134 5 View
Dear all, is anyone of you experienced how to improve the reproducibility of TUNEL assay in plant/moss cell culture? I am trying to establish this assay to visualize DNA damages in nuclei. When I...
01 June 2015 7,920 3 View