13 Questions 17 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Gabriel Salazar Robles
So I need to dry a sample to the point where it doesn't have any trace left of water particles, which could be achieved by a freeze-dryer, the problem is that we don't have one in the laboratory...
28 May 2023 4,811 0 View
I was checking an old protocol I used to do for genomic DNA extraction, and it says "Tris-acetate 40 mM pH 7.8", but I can't remember how it is made, does it mean that I have to make a 40 mM Tris...
17 March 2022 5,838 3 View
I have been performing experiments in which I weigh polystyrene or polyurethane in an analytical balance, but anytime I place my sample, the weight keeps going down and does not stop. I read that...
17 February 2022 614 2 View
Good day, we have a problem with recent RNA that we obtained from a plant, we suspect that it might have PCR inhibitors. One of the possible solutions that we thought was to do isopropanol...
27 January 2022 6,978 2 View
We just noticed that our GC column is contaminated due to overloading with sample. We tried a method for cleaning it which consisted of a T of 240°C for the injector, a ramp of 200 to 220 °C, and...
10 June 2021 667 9 View
So recently weve been using a GC but we have a problem: we always get contamination from previous samples, although we rinse the syringe several times (between 15 and 20 times) with the solvent,...
08 June 2021 4,490 12 View
I recently did a PCR with certain primers, and the reaction went well for two gels, but when I repeated the exact same reaction a third time it suddenly didnt work, then I did it a 4th time and it...
13 December 2020 609 5 View
Recently I've been doing some PCRs and the primes used to work a month ago, but now that we want to repeat the experiment, they are not working anymore. I have noticed something in my gels, and it...
29 October 2020 4,683 4 View
I recently started using Chimera to perform docking for my research with desaturases of FAs. Before April, I was using the AutoDockVina server to perform all my docking modeling, but after that...
30 May 2020 9,402 10 View
This may look like an odd question, but since I'm latinamerican I'm not familiar with chinese names, the usual way to reference names is by writting the last name and the initial of the names, but...
12 September 2019 9,811 3 View
I need samples of a plant named Kermadecia sinuata, according to the data I got it is found in New Caledonia, anyone knows any repository of exotic species that could have this specimen and that...
13 February 2019 2,318 2 View
I've been trying to purifiy my electrophoresis bands but they are very closed to each other, I've tried 2% agarose gels, ran at 90V for 2 hours and this is as far as I can get them to separate. My...
08 November 2018 5,534 3 View
So I was testing genomic DNA extraction protocols for plant but I never get anything in my electrophoresis gels, I uploaded the pics, its the last three lanes. The last protocol I used was from...
16 May 2018 647 8 View