8 Questions 5 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Erum Yasmeen
Dear Colleagues, I am going to clone the promoter region in pcambia1391; the details of the vector say that GUS lacks start codon. I confused that do I need to include ATG in my promoter to know...
29 April 2023 1,186 0 View
I have been trying to clone a coding region of my gene in pdonr using gateway method. I successfully cloned CDS but when I sequenced the colony the region from the middle of about 100 BP was...
24 April 2023 5,513 2 View
I recently met an issue when GFP wasn't expressing in OE plants.. I want to know is there any method to analyze before agrobacterium transformation in Arabidopsis, whether my construct is working...
27 March 2023 3,971 3 View
I want to locate genes on a chromosome. I have been given with start and end bps of genes and choromosome lengths. Can anyone help to me make an input file for mapchart. Furthermore, what if I...
03 June 2020 8,323 0 View
I have a file .fa containing the sequences of all chromosomes. I want to retrieve a particular range of a sequence. Can anyone help me with the command? Can I use $grep ? I f yes then kindly help...
09 May 2020 3,417 0 View
I have generate indexes using bowtie2, the generated indexes are with *.bt2 not *.bt2l, so this gives error while generating indexes using tophat2. Can anyone help me to get rid of this error?
04 May 2020 9,908 0 View
I need to calculate gene density per chromosome. Do I need to divide number of genes on a chromosome by length of a chromosome?
15 August 2018 1,027 0 View
I am retrieving sequences of a gene family in a specie, I have found that several genes are given same name on NCBI, Are they paralogs of eachother?
03 June 2018 7,496 3 View