25 Questions 80 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ebenezer R.H.P. Isaac
Which are the best view-invariant gait algorithms published till date? This is with respect to view-invariance and resilience to covariate factors like carrying condition and clothing condition;...
03 March 2017 655 3 View
For example, suppose in an image, there is a rectangular wall of which four of its corners are clearly visible, this would form a plane which looks like a trapezoid when viewed from an oblique...
01 January 2017 2,214 4 View
What would be the average time to receive the first decision from reviewers in Taylor & Francis journals? I'm specifically looking at the following at the following journals International...
10 October 2016 3,467 18 View
According to Wikipedia, there are two kinds of EMG: Surface EMG Intramuscular EMG According to the link provided below, EMG can be classified as Clinical (or diagnostic) EMG Kinesiological...
08 August 2016 7,746 2 View
Has anyone have any articles or scholarly links to studies conducted on the effect of gait on the digestive system?
08 August 2016 6,225 0 View
Both involve the loss of muscle coordination and balance. But how do the symptoms of cerebellar ataxia differ from that of cerebral palsy?
07 July 2016 5,432 8 View
Cerebral palsy a neurological disorder that affects muscle coordination. It is the palsy that seems to be most prominent in clinical gait literature. What are the other known types of palsy? Do...
07 July 2016 2,640 3 View
Are there any form of languages that cannot be expressed in ACL (attributive concept descriptions with complements language)? If so, could you explain with examples with respect to the...
04 April 2016 3,965 1 View
The Genetic Algorithm can be modified in different ways. Even Goldberg's book, Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning, specifies various enhancements that could be done...
04 April 2016 3,103 4 View
I know that a large proportion of the muscles in the body are active for a person during her/his gait. But I'm not sure exactly (or approximately) the value of the proportion in percentages with a...
03 March 2016 9,104 10 View
It's easy to understand what bias and variance mean in general in machine learning. The link below makes this very clear. But, its always hard to figure out which classifiers are of high/low bias...
03 March 2016 8,429 3 View
It is true that the sample size depends on the nature of the problem and the architecture implemented. But, on average, what is the typical sample size utilized for training a deep learning...
02 February 2016 9,111 22 View
Generally, a machine learning system would only make a single prediction among available classes (classification) or predict a single real valued number (regression) based on the given set of...
01 January 2016 6,800 4 View
Apart from their apparent difference -- the area of applications differ -- what may be the precise differences between clinical and general gait analysis? To which degree is one associated with...
10 October 2015 3,093 10 View
In my research on gait analysis I would require a video collection of human gaits (manner of walking), preferably taken from the side while they walk from left to right and vice versa. Are there...
08 August 2015 4,856 1 View
How could you visually determine, given a student in the class, if he or she is concentrating on the topic being taught in the classroom? It is possible for an uninterested student to stay still...
03 March 2015 2,930 1 View
A general idea of where machine learning is applied is readily available. But in which case where even when a rich training set is provided, the problem can't be solved through a machine learning...
11 November 2014 454 3 View
Resources say that 2 hidden layers are sufficient for most applications. But I've also heard the more the number of layers in the ANN, the more complex calculation it will be able to perform. How...
09 September 2014 8,455 10 View
You are provided with three cups labelled 1, 2 and 3 placed topside down. One of them conceals a ball. You must first choose a cup among the three in random that may contain the ball inside it....
05 May 2014 7,312 2 View
The inventors of the AES Rijndael state that there are no 'linear' mathematical relations between plaintext and the corresponding ciphertext when passed through Rijndael. How can you prove this...
05 May 2014 9,235 3 View
How can one find the self-similarity between two genuine handwritten signatures signed by the same person? Or, more specifically, how could one find the degree difference between two given images?
05 May 2014 7,565 4 View
Considering finite automata as a set of states with well defined transition function, how will one formally define the element 'state' in an automaton?
05 May 2014 6,100 5 View
I'm looking forward to research on artificial intelligence. So I require a list of the current unsolved or new problems in this field, preferably in its specializations of machine learning,...
04 April 2014 9,675 8 View
I've seen accuracy [(2-FAR-FRR)*100/2] reaching to about 80% to 85%. Could anyone please share with me the greatest accuracy you know in off-line HSV and also specify the reference from which the...
04 April 2014 1,754 1 View
It is well known that the study of computer vision includes acquiring knowledge from images and videos in general. One of its application include deriving 3D information from 2D images. I would...
01 January 1970 2,914 4 View