17 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Debasish Paul
I am currently working on the identification of phosphorylation on a specific protein, labeled as 'X,' from cell lysates. My approach involves immunoprecipitation using antibody 'X.' While this...
27 November 2023 1,790 2 View
Looking for suggestions if anyone has induced autophagy in cells by any small molecules or by genetic means? I don't want to use mTOR pathway inhibitors or the starvation method, any suggestion is...
25 September 2020 1,754 4 View
I am trying to analyze whether the expression of gene alters with different receptor status of a poorly characterized gene. Is there any database that we can look into?
30 June 2018 8,956 3 View
In different grades of breast cancer cell line , what are the reference genes/proteins can be used?
10 January 2017 9,962 2 View
What will be the difference if one does Dpn1 digestion to the gel excised pcr product and directly to the pcr product? If one does it to the gel excised PCR product, does it will affect the...
21 August 2015 2,166 11 View
generally we use multiple shRNA's for a gene knock down, but often i observed that although few of the shRNA's target the same ORF region or UTR, their outcome is different, why this is...
10 July 2015 2,629 1 View
In research articles people often show meta analysis of a gene using NCBI GEO data sets or analysis, i want to know the procedure by which i can derive the information for a particular gene?
22 February 2015 1,196 4 View
If a protein is a kinase or phosphatase how to determine which domain(s) is responsible for its activity? Any tool available ?
16 July 2014 1,918 3 View
If one is performing some experiments with cancerous cell lines, will it be a correct strategy to use HEK 293T as a normal cell line as a control?
08 March 2014 8,053 11 View
I am confused about how to calculate the fold change of transcript level by real time PCR, suppose in two conditions: control : GAPDH - 25 gene X- 18 Test : GAPDH - 23 gene X - 20 What will be...
23 January 2014 8,313 13 View
What are the experimental methods one can perform to find out whether a cell line is really resistance to a certain drug or not?
12 November 2013 4,676 3 View
I want to find out one candidate that is regulating another one either at the translational level? What are the experiments I can perform to prove this?
05 October 2013 9,458 2 View
What is the status of p53 (gene as well as protein) in the lung cancer cell line H1299?
28 April 2013 9,390 8 View
Can anyone help me with suggestions for protein -protein interaction tools used (freely available and others also) that are reliable?
20 March 2013 3,298 17 View
I am observing cell death upon treatment of a a certain drug in A549 cells (lung cancer adherent). But I could not make out whether it is apoptosis, necrosis or autophagy. The cells are rounded...
17 March 2013 7,640 8 View
Generally people prefer to process IP (Immuno ppt) cells immediately, but is there any fault if I freeze cells and lyse them later? Also can I use the same frozen lysate (kept after lysing cells...
09 March 2013 4,466 5 View
If a gene is GFP tagged, can I use it for an in vivo imaging experiment? If so, can anyone suggest some related protocols?
17 February 2013 6,133 14 View