17 Questions 142 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Cameen Kettanun
https://www.thecashlorette.com/millennial-money/best-college-majors/ According to the link above, the top five most valuable college majors in 2017 are: 1. Petroleum Engineering 2. Pharmacy...
10 October 2017 4,956 14 View
From an article in Harvard Business Review, "a recent survey of 427 marketers at U.S. companies showed that 80% are unable to quantify the value of their social media efforts. And in a study of...
02 February 2017 5,121 2 View
The Financial Times at one point used the expression "guessing game" to describe the world market situation in 2017. As a researcher, I'd like to invite some opinions from colleagues on RG as to...
12 December 2016 7,156 56 View
It's interesting to know how the note taking method we use can affect our intelligence. Professor Charles Kay Smith recommended this article to me, and the article got me curious about what we in...
04 April 2016 9,056 39 View
"A 14-year-old Missouri girl who took her own life last week was bullied relentlessly by her classmates, according to her parents." This part of a news report is from the link below. Many young...
04 April 2016 2,954 12 View
In the article by Jeffrey J. Selingo in the Washington Post, five critical skills every new college graduate should have include: 1. Digitally awareness: "It’s about moving from a passive...
04 April 2016 7,876 21 View
In 2010, an 11-year-old boy was charged with homicide like adults. In some other times, pre-teen or teen killers were tried as delinquents. Recently, two teens beat a woman to death, and the case...
04 April 2016 7,605 5 View
I came across this article about increasing support of legalization of marijuana. I was wondering what we at RG think about it. I wouldn't want it to happen in my hometown. How about you? What do...
03 March 2016 7,191 8 View
I came across this interesting issue in the New York Times, so I've borrowed this real life scenario and question and posted them here for your opinion. Thank you in advance.
01 January 2016 3,374 20 View
The ways these two terms are used in literature have confused me. How are they similar or different? Thank you very much.
01 January 2016 9,259 11 View
Is there any test or questionnaire out there? Or what instrument should I use? Thank you in advance.
12 December 2015 7,041 27 View
I think it's heartwarming to see how Syrian refugees are welcome in Canada. This makes me feel that we can still have faith in kind hearts and humane treatment that we, humans, can have for one...
12 December 2015 8,444 17 View
In Thailand, to pass quality assessments, we need to get published only in journals indexed on the databases accepted by Higher Education Commission. For example, in my areas of work, I'll get...
09 September 2015 6,263 15 View
People around me think that prose writing takes less effort, implying that prose writers have less verbal ability, and that people who write poems are smarter. What do you think about this?
09 September 2015 8,415 10 View
Is there any test available out there? Should I also tap into the implicit and explicit memory issue? What should I do to learn about their retention? Thank you in advance.
08 August 2015 310 11 View
As language and culture are intertwined, I was wondering how a bilingual person develops his/her cultural identity. Does the person acquire the culture of L1, or that of L2? I'd appreciate your...
07 July 2015 2,706 52 View
I watched the History channel yesterday, and saw the Universal Mind discussed. I can't help wondering what researchers and people in academia think about it. What do you think about the Universal...
05 May 2015 1,948 9 View