12 Questions 56 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Basanta Kumar Parida
This is a technical question. Suggest if any reference is there.
03 November 2022 6,984 3 View
Suppose we have one element Si and another Co? How to distinguish between their Sputter yields at a specific energy? does it anyway related to te energy of the ion beam? If we take any alloy how...
20 April 2017 4,684 4 View
We have cosputtered deposited thin film of Co(x)Si(1-x). I want to measure MFM study of these thin films. Anyone plz suggest how to measure hysteresis loop from MFM images.
27 October 2016 1,440 6 View
In nanoscope analysis software which is used to analyse AFM images is having PSD determination facility. The PSD (power spectral analysis) plot which comes is in liear scale in X and Y axes which...
03 October 2016 4,389 2 View
If GaSb or III-V type semiconductor is taken as the case and 1 keV energy Ar ion is used ,how can I calculate the sputtering yield of individual element from SRIM?
13 September 2016 7,800 2 View
If we have taken the FFT images and from that how can we get PSD curves in AFM images.
22 April 2016 6,016 3 View
If anyone knows how to solve KS equation numerically in Mathematica ,help me?
12 April 2016 9,326 6 View
I am confused with the two terms that Ion beam eroded ,irradiated surfaces and ion beam etched surface. Is there any specific difference in between these terms or have the same meaning?
07 March 2016 2,254 3 View
I deposit Silicon in RF and Cobalt in DC magnetron sputtering, but the colours of both plasma are different. Co bluish and silicon white, which change to others after increasing the power in both...
23 December 2015 9,466 7 View
In case of ion beam sputtering surface is modified periodically or self-organised giving nanoripples or nanodots, but my question is what happens to the ions we are putting over the fta...
11 December 2015 8,288 5 View
pressure optimum=10^-6 torr
16 April 2015 8,356 17 View
I want to make CO and Si thin films. I am using 29w,30 sccm,Ar,1.8E-1 pressure. but the plasma is not seen .
16 January 2015 3,035 5 View