27 Questions 59 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Azam Nemati Chermahini
Please share with us the nearest Call for Papers any international conference with theme of sustainable fashion and apparel design?
09 September 2019 4,133 2 View
Hi. I'm an industrial design graduate. I intend to participate in a mentoring program as a data scientist. The problem is that I do not know what exactly should to know and do, to become a data...
09 September 2019 7,099 3 View
how much is the rank, validity and esteem of symposiums compared to conferences? if the total number of submitted papers to a symposium was 17, then how would you think about it?
08 August 2019 547 2 View
I only know that TU/e did so for Msc. applicants... what about other universities?
08 August 2019 9,299 2 View
1) I do not have access to scopus because it's not free of charge; with this in mind, Which data bases do you suggest for searching papers relating to wearables and smart clothing? 2) is it...
07 July 2019 6,718 3 View
what are the specific design processes (and methodologies) when we are tackling (product) Experience Design?
12 December 2018 5,733 5 View
My paper passed the first review; now ought to get revised especially from language level... the topic centered about design thinking and methodologies... I'm writing to ask you if you know any...
11 November 2018 5,179 10 View
what's the relation of these two terms if it is supposed to be the title of a paper?
08 August 2018 7,347 20 View
Hi ! I have a draft written about 1 years ago. Although I've updated some parts of the text and add new case studies, I am not completely certain of this draft to be cutting edge and innovative...
06 June 2018 1,237 4 View
I have seen many models and frameworks; from user journey to service design models. Is there a book on how to design descriptive prescriptive models (from the design process)? Are there certain...
01 January 2018 3,153 6 View
while delphi methods tends to be an old-fashioned methodology; comes to an end through diverse questionnaires and analysing methods. is there a real example of doing delphi in "design" field?...
01 January 2018 7,562 3 View
What is the best way to analyze the interviews? Categorizing the topics Based word frequency?
01 January 2018 1,816 18 View
Which universities (in Asia and Eu.) are working on smart clothing/wearables from these facets: Design thinking, Design management, Design methodologies?
12 December 2017 7,472 17 View
the main objective is to investigating how Design Thinking would correlates to and affects on smart clothing projects. partner expected to be: -self-motivated -majored in industrial design or...
12 December 2017 6,759 5 View
Books about detailed features, and design issues in all type of spacesuits: Rescue suit, lunar suit, intravehicular suit, extravehicular suit.
03 March 2017 477 2 View
In Asia
11 November 2016 9,005 5 View
my current draft is about a field of design, however is getting an essence of national political studies... I do not want to enter these issues at all, but these are part of my draft, seemingly......
01 January 1970 2,232 3 View
I do not want to know the answer. I just intend to draw your attention to this fact that International Students consume time to find you, read your papers, and stressfully press the Send key to...
01 January 1970 3,111 3 View
Is this worthwile to make published a short scientific essay, 1 page or less, that criticise the current trends or suggest a new research line? in which type of journals? or should present as a talk?
01 January 1970 8,236 5 View
Arduino supposed to be utilized for prototyping smart ideas like as wearables, however, seems they are narrowing down to certain similar ideas... I guess it can lead to Design Fixation... What's...
01 January 1970 8,776 3 View
dear professors; among dozen of diverse applicants; what would lead you to let an (Ph.D.) international applicant to join your team? which attributes she must features to choose her instead of...
01 January 1970 9,602 3 View
I guess my paper rejected for this reason because the reviewer's comments are not focused on fundamental error in the manuscript... I had no supervisor or co-author; should I be a PhD holder to be...
01 January 1970 8,841 5 View
How much is this likely to can recieve a Ph.D. degree without attending universitiez? imagine a person initiate his research individually in his room/personal lab, write the results and then give...
01 January 1970 8,053 15 View
To some Professors, We theoretically know that "discrimination on the basis of race or religion or gender is against the law"... but when comes to action, you select your Ph.D. students based on...
01 January 1970 4,715 2 View
Among these options; which do you think is more beneficial for designing enhanced wearables? 1) In terms of functionality e.g. through AI or actuators or machine learning 2) In terms of UX and...
01 January 1970 6,700 2 View
Is there any international journal or conference that welcome new volunteer reviewer who experiences its first contribution as paper reviewer? If not, would you please tell me how I can initiate...
01 January 1970 5,609 5 View
Hi.... Imagine I made an assesment on some case studies, recognized some similarity/overlaps between them, and now want to propose a framework that shows these similarity... Which procedure should...
01 January 1970 6,155 4 View