8 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Aswathi A.P
I'm working on polyploid crop with intraspecific ploidy variation. Our crop do not have a reference genome. I need to find SNP's associated with traits and for that intend to use ddRAD...
10 May 2021 5,117 4 View
Is it possible to develop DNA fingerprinting for varietal identification of crop plants without reference genome and no locus information except the availability of set of DNA markers.
26 January 2021 7,073 4 View
I 'am looking for a most simplified formula to quantify shape of leaves mathematically which will help me to categorise plants based on leaf shape.Earlier,I tried with some image processing...
11 December 2020 2,533 5 View
I 'm working on genetic diversity analysis of crop plants with variable ploidy level using SSR markers. I suppose calculation of heterozygous frequencies and allelic dosage etc would be difficult...
18 October 2020 7,192 4 View
I have read that SSR primer is locus specific which I understand as there is only one SSR amplicon from a single chromosome. or does region to which SSR primers bind to,are they present more than...
28 June 2020 7,610 0 View
I need to send few powdered leaf samples crushed using liquid nitrogen for flow cytometric analysis.Will the DNA get damaged if it's not packed in ice?
20 June 2020 7,383 6 View
Hi, I have trouble in understanding GWAS research papers (as they are full of statistics... )for finding phenotypic to genotypic relationship in crop plants.Can someone suggest me the basic...
16 January 2020 5,042 2 View
The genomic DNA,I isolated from turmeric using ctab .The protocol followed for genomicDNA isolation is: grind turmeric leaves using DNA extraction buffer(100 mM tris PH 8,20 mM EDTA,1.4 M Nacl,2%...
08 November 2019 9,549 10 View