10 Questions 37 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Askar Soltani
We know that OCV of graphite anode vs Li/Li+ is approximately 0.4 V, So how it is possible to get the potential level of 4 V vs Li/Li+ in the graphite anode in overdischarge tests ? Please take a...
13 November 2021 6,692 3 View
Suppose that there is a test solution by following chemical composition : CaCl2 (0.305 wt%) NaCl (9.62 wt%) MgCl2 (0.186 wt%) Deionized water (89.89 wt%) How do you calculate chloride...
27 October 2020 397 0 View
As you know, Test electrolyte in most of the academic corrosion studies have been considered as 3.5% wt NaCl (Rerfer to Standard ASTM G44) and in other standards like NACE 1D182 the concentration...
10 October 2020 8,934 17 View
As you know, one of the complementary test methods in inhibitor's investigations is to perform FTIR analysis on the film which can be formed on the surface of the metal in laboratory tests. Since...
01 January 1970 9,527 0 View
As you know in corrosion experiments, one of the theoretical investigations of the accuracy of the experimental tafel curve is to plot all of the probable anodic and cathodic reactions curve in E...
01 January 1970 1,300 2 View
Hi there As a corrosion engineer, it was so interesting for me to compare SCC (Stress Corrosion Cracking) and SSC (Sulfide Stress Cracking). One of the most characteristic differences between...
01 January 1970 1,494 3 View
As you know one of the most helpful techniques in analyzing corrosion inhibitor's in laboratory experiments is to conduct FTIR or ATR-FTIR on the sample taken from the surface of the working...
01 January 1970 5,359 3 View
For corrosion process, different electrical equivalent circuit models have been proposed depending on the solution chemical composition. Main electrical elements which we consider in these...
01 January 1970 2,869 4 View
We know that when a metal is corroding, anions go to the anodic sites and cations migrate to the cathodic sites and the corrosion cell acts as a closed electrical loop and corrosion of the metal...
01 January 1970 7,173 0 View
Hi there. I conducted a cyclic potentiodynamic polarization on Stainless Steel samples according to the standard ASTM G61. Based on the procedure proposed by this standard it needed to sweep the...
01 January 1970 5,355 2 View